2022-01-12 13:02:10 153KB VISA USB通讯 GPIB通讯 LAN通讯
36页PPT 详细描述了 变压器设计、制造、检测以及产品应用知识 有PDF版本提供 深圳市恒大创新科技有限公司
2022-01-09 18:24:26 1.16MB 普思 网络变压器
Wake-On-LAN简称WOL,是一种电源管理功能;如果存在网络活动,则允许设备将操作系统从待机或休眠模式中唤醒。许多主板厂商支持IBM提出的网络唤醒标准。该标准允许网络管理员远程打开PC机电源,以便进行文件升级、资源跟踪和设备清点等工作。 先看下使用Python实现WakeOn Lan远程开机功能,具体介绍如下: 创建魔法唤醒包 格式化mac地址,生成魔法唤醒包,然后发送包,首先电脑需要打开wake on lan功能 创建main_wake_on_lan.py文件 import socket import binascii import struct import re ''' 格式
2022-01-07 18:16:57 53KB data mac main函数
局域网信使 基于LAN的多客户端Messenger,允许通过TCP协议传输消息
2021-12-30 17:38:35 2.55MB Java
Routerify:将 Linux 系统变成 WiFi 路由器 介绍 本剧本将受支持的 Linux 系统配置为无线路由器。 对于 LAN 连接,它可以同时充当 2.4Ghz AP、5GHz AP 和有线交换机,每个元素都是可选的。 每个有线/无线 LAN 客户端都可以与其他客户端通信。 IPAM 通过dnsmasq处理,为所有客户端提供 DHCP 和 DNS。 LAN IP 范围和初始预留是可定制的。 WAN 连接预计将通过经过身份验证的 PPPoE 链接提供。 iptables规则控制 LAN 和 Internet 之间的转发,将 IP 伪装应用于传出流量。 默认情况下会阻止所有传入流量,但对 LAN 发起的流量的响应除外。 下图描述了网络元素之间的关系。 该场景涉及用于 FTTH 连接的单独 ONT,它处理 PPPoE 的服务器端部分。 配置后,目标系统应该能够拨打 PPP 连
2021-12-30 16:36:27 84KB lan wifi pppoe ap-mode
A Revised and Updated Edition of the Authoritative Text This revised and updated Third Edition of the classic text guides students through assembly language using a hands-on approach, supporting future computing professionals with the basics they need to understand the mechanics and function of the computer’s inner workings. Through using real instruction sets to write real assembly language programs, students will become acquainted with the basics of computer architecture. 80×86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture covers the Intel 80×86 using the powerful tools provided by Microsoft Visual Studio, including its 32- and 64-bit assemblers, its versatile debugger, and its ability to link assembly language and C/C++ program segments. The text also includes multiple examples of how individual 80×86 instructions execute, as well as complete programs using these instructions. Hands-on exercises reinforce key concepts and problem-solving skills. Updated to be compatible with Visual Studio 2012, and incorporating over a hundred new exercises, 80×86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture: Third Edition is accessible and clear enough for beginning students while providing coverage of a rich set of 80×86 instructions and their use in simple assembly language programs. The text will prepare students to program effectively at any level. Key features of the fully revised and updated Third Edition include: Updated to be used with Visual Studio 2012, while remaining compatible with earlier versions Over 100 new exercises and programming exercises Improved, clearer layout with easy-to-read illustrations The same clear and accessibly writing style as previous editions Full suite of ancillary materials, including PowerPoint lecture outlines, Test Bank, and answer keys Suitable as a stand-alone text in an assembly language course or as a supplement in a computer architecture course
2021-12-02 22:15:09 18.84MB Assembly Lan Computer Arc
SIMATIC NET Industrial Wireless LAN SCALANCE W770/W730 符合 IEEE 802.11n 基于 Web 的管理 - 配置手册[手册]pdf,
2021-11-30 15:42:59 5.81MB 说明书
2021-11-21 16:00:47 2.99MB CAN LAN CANoe
Wake On Lan 又名 aquilaWOL,这是一款免费且开源的图形界面 WOL 软件,有繁体中文界面,可以管理多台电脑和网络设备,支持批量开机、关机、支持 Ping 等,还可以支持扫描局域网的设备,功能丰富实用!
2021-11-16 22:00:55 7.01MB wol
2021-11-16 12:49:39 607KB lan 电商