Crucible 中文 使用说明 FishEYE JIRA SVN 代码审查工具 Crucible 中文使用说明文档 国内唯一中文说明文档,出自作者本人 转载者请注明作者
2021-11-26 17:16:41 1.51MB Crucible 中文
JIRABug和Task工作流介绍 Task工作流介绍: To Do: 项目组内任何人都可以创建Task,创建之后Task状态是“To Do”; 操作:Assign->”Assigned(分配给我的)” 角色:报告人 说明:由报告人来分配任务给具体的人。
2021-11-26 16:42:57 90KB JIRA
2021-11-23 21:32:23 2.2MB jira jenkins
version: centos==7.2 jdk==1.8 confluence==6.15.4 jira-software==8.2.1 docker==18.09 安装前提示:     1. 需要准备2个数据库,因为confluence和jira-software的mysql配置要求不一样     2. confluence需要配置jdk,jira-software自带jdk 选择使用docker部署的原因:     1. confluence和jira-software环境需求不同,需要分开配置.     2. 如果直接使用物理机,需要占用多台.     3. 不使用虚拟机
2021-11-23 21:08:18 100KB ar c ce
1.教你如何共享、复制面板 2.自定义面板(饼图、数组等) 3.分析面板中的数据
2021-11-23 11:59:17 1.25MB JIRA 面板
2021-11-18 18:11:59 732KB JIRA
IBM Rational OSLC Adapter for Atlassian JIRA OSSEZ.COM
2021-11-17 08:55:13 820KB OSSEZ.COM
If you’re familiar with JIRA for issue tracking, bug tracking, and other uses, you know it can sometimes be tricky to set up and manage. In this concise book, software toolsmith Matt Doar clarifies some of the more confusing aspects by answering difficult and frequently asked questions about JIRA administration. Practical JIRA Administration shows you how JIRA is intended to be used, making it an ideal supplement to the extensive documentation already available. The book’s chapters are loosely connected, so you can go straight to the information that best serves your needs. Understand the difference between JIRA groups and JIRA project roles Discover what JIRA schemes do, and learn how to maintain them Use a consistent configuration approach to help you use JIRA as a platform Create a workflow from scratch Add, modify, and deactivate users Prepare for a JIRA upgrade, and troubleshoot if necessary Get remote access to JIRA via email, SQL, REST, and other methods
2021-11-16 17:40:54 6.05MB JIRA实战管理(Practical JIRA Administration)
jira安装,配置,汉化,mysql数据库连接 testlink安装,配置,汉化 jira相关网站 jira安装,配置,汉化,mysql数据库连接2009-04-07 15:29:18| 分类: Jira 阅读585 评论0 字号:大中小 订阅 准备: 1)jsdk 2)jira安装文件 3)jira破解文件 4)jira汉化文件 5)jira数据库连接文件 6) mysql(APMServ)
Jira 使用手册中文版,欢迎下载使用.
2021-11-15 09:10:15 1.17MB Jira 使用手册 中文版