英文图书,文字版,非扫描版。有趣又能学到东西,很好的一本书,自己介绍不好,以下是搞自某读书的书评: 1. 适合算法入门,简单浅显,作者描述的很清楚,是入门算法很合适的书,简单的英文的也可以锻炼自己的外文水平。 2. 私以为此书非常好的完成了他的任务:算法简介。书中去掉了繁琐的公式推导,着重于概念讲解,真正的浅了下来。想要对算法有所深入,还是必须要啃大部头的,但作为入门和复习来说,此书非常合适。 3. 为作者把枯燥抽象的理论讲解得形象生动有趣而点个赞! 4. 哦天呐 瞧瞧这本算法书写的 我要是一开始看算法是看这本 我一定会更喜欢研究算法的_(:з」∠)_ 这是我看过最精彩的算法入门书了 5. 不是一本高大全的算法和数据结构书,通篇只简单讲解了分治、递归、BFS、Dijkstra、动态规划、贪婪算法等。但是配图有趣易懂,使用python代码,比伪代码更易懂,比Java或C更容易写。我认为非常适合作为算法和数据结构的入门读物,读完会对算法和数据结构有不错的了解,并且皆有可能勾起深入学些了解的兴趣。
2021-05-16 21:36:09 23.74MB 英文图书 算法
The Illustrated Wavelet Transform Handbook 2th 2016 英文文字版。主要是加详细的书签。
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《C#图解教程(第4版)》是广受赞誉的C#图解教程的最新版本。作者在本书中创造了一种全新的可视化叙述方式,以图文并茂的形式、朴实简洁的文字,并辅以大量表格和代码示例,全面、直观地阐述了C#语言的各种特性。新版本除了精心修订旧版内容外,还全面涵盖了C# 5.0的新增特性,比如异步编程、调用者信息、case表达式、带参数的泛型构造函数、支持null类型运算等。通过本书,读者能够快速、深入理解C#,为自己的编程生涯打下良好的基础。
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TCP IP详解卷1协议 英文版 第2版,英文书籍原版,比纸质的英文版还要原版(国产纸质英文版书皮还是中文,只是内容是英文,增减了一些前言介绍部分)。页码我做了重排,增删,更易读。强迫症呀。。。。
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Use the Python programming language to transform learning high school-level math topics like algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus! You'll also learn how to: Draw and transform 2D and 3D graphics with matrices Make colorful designs like the Mandelbrot and Julia sets with complex numbers Use recursion to create fractals like the Koch snowflake and the Sierpinski triangle Generate virtual sheep that graze on grass and multiply autonomously Crack secret codes using genetic algorithms
2019-12-21 21:02:21 15.04MB python math
Deep Learning Illustrated: A Visual, Interactive Guide to Artificial Intelligence "This book is a stunning achievement, written with precision and depth of understanding. It entertains you and gives you lots of interesting information at the same time. I could never imagine understanding and gaining scientific knowledge, namely 'Deep Learning' can be this much fun! Reading the book is a pleasure and I highly recommend it." —maryamkhakpour, O'Reilly Online Learning (Safari) Reviewer "This title is a great resource for those looking to understand deep learning. The illustrations are helpful and aid in cementing a richer understanding of the content, and the background context surrounding biological motivations for the tools and techniques enables a greater appreciation of the field. I enthusiastically recommend this book to any and all who are interested in the topic of deep learning." -vincepetaccio, O'Reilly Online Learning (Safari) Reviewer Deep learning is transforming software, facilitating powerful new artificial intelligence capabilities, and driving unprecedented algorithm performance. Deep Learning Illustrated is uniquely visual, intuitive, and accessible, and yet offers a comprehensive introduction to the discipline’s techniques and applications. Packed with full-color applications and easy-to-follow code, it sweeps away much of the complexity of building deep learning models, making the subject approachable and fun to learn. World-class instructor and practitioner Jon Krohn–with crucial material from Grant Beyleveld and beautiful illustrations by Aglaé Bassens–presents straightforward analogies to explain what deep learning is, why it has become so popular, and how it relates to other machine learning approaches. He also offers a practical reference and tutorial for developers, data scientists, researchers, analysts, and students who want to start applying it. He covers essential theory with as little mathematics as possible, preferring to illuminate concep
2019-12-21 19:45:36 19.9MB Deep Learning
完整而详细的TCP/IP协议讲解,作者是国际知名的Unix和网络专家W.Richard Stevens(史蒂文斯)。这本书可以称作是TCP/IP协议的圣经。共分三卷: TCP-IP详解卷1:协议.pdf TCP-IP详解卷2:实现.pdf TCP-IP详解卷3:TCP事务协议,HTTP,NNTP和UNIX域协议.pdf
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The TCPIP Guide A Comprehensive, Illustrated Internet Protocols Reference 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2019-12-21 18:55:41 15.34MB TCPIP Guide Illustrated Internet