DPDK Getting Started Guide for Linux
2021-09-10 14:01:01 280KB DPDK
【MATLAB Getting Started with MATLAB.pdf
2021-09-09 23:39:00 639KB MATLAB
Processing语言学习, Arduino硬件相关,用于图形3D及各种图片处理
2021-09-02 07:55:41 19.83MB Processing
Take your creations to the next level with FPGAs and VerilogThis fun guide shows how to get started with FPGA technology using the popular Mojo, Papilio One, and Elbert 2 boards. Written by electronics guru Simon Monk, Programming FPGAs: Getting Started with Verilog features clear explanations, easy-to-follow examples, and downloadable sample programs. You’ll get start-to-finish assembly and programming instructions for numerous projects, including an LED decoder, a timer, a tone generator?even a memory-mapped video display! The book serves both as a hobbyists’ guide and as an introduction for professional developers.• Explore the basics of digital electronics and digital logic• Examine the features of the Mojo, Papilio One, and Elbert 2 boards• Set up your computer and dive in to Verilog programming• Work with the ISE Design Suite and user constraints files• Understand and apply modular Verilog programming methods • Generate electrical pulses through your board’s GPIO ports• Control servomotors and create your own sounds• Attach a VGA TV or computer monitor and generate video• All source code and finished bit files available for download,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-08-17 07:36:47 15.66MB 英文
学习OAuth 2.0最系统的介绍,从入门到掌握授权、认证的原理,开发必备。
2021-08-16 23:02:39 1.58MB OAuth
Getting Started With JUCE 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2021-08-12 11:10:39 1.94MB Getting Started JUCE
Adobe Illustrator CC插件开发getting-started-guide,进入AI插件开发的极好文档。
2021-08-09 23:11:56 746KB Adobe Illustrator CC 开发指南
《IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio Getting Started with CPLEX》是一本实用的cplex英文学习资料,适合运筹优化方向的同学。这本书里介绍了cplex分别于Python/java/c++调度配置,以及可操作的线性规划算例代码。 本资料有9个章节,分别为: 1.设置CPLEX。 2.用CPLEX求解线性规划问题 3.交互式优化器教程 4.C++用户的技术教程。 5.面向Java用户的Concert技术教程 6.面向.NET用户的Concert技术教程 7.可调用库教程。 8.Python教程 9.为CPLEX用户提供的MSF教程。
2021-08-05 22:02:06 338KB cplex学习资源 c++ JAVA PYTHON
Deep Learning Toolbox Getting Started Guide_R2020b.pdf
2021-08-03 09:50:17 4.55MB Matlab