2021-02-17 09:37:27 1.6MB CTP 上期所
future-0.18.2-py3-none-any.whl 下载包
2021-02-04 18:03:45 461KB future
2021-02-02 00:04:47 4KB 多线程
2021-01-29 14:06:28 5KB future
该文件是future-pullrefresh.js配套使用的mui的脚本。关于future-pullrefresh.js的使用详见博客:百度搜索wltsysterm ,找到wltsysterm的博客,然后找到文章:还在用mui默认的pullRefresh插件?赶紧来看看我的future-refresh.js
2020-03-10 03:15:26 257KB mui.js future-pullrefre
2019-12-21 22:26:12 795KB 工具
2019-12-21 21:16:07 2KB 多线程 future
Short term interest rate futures (STIR futures) are one of the largest financial markets in the world. The two main contracts, the Eurodollar and Euribor regularly trade in excess of one trillion dollars and euros of US and European interest rates each day. STIR futures are also unique because their structure encourages spread and strategy trading, offering a risk reward profile incomparable to other financial markets. STIR futures are traded on a completely electronic market place that provides a level playing field, meaning that the individual can compete on exactly the same terms as banks and institutions. The sheer number of trading permutations allows traders to find their own niche'Trading STIR Futures' is a handbook to the STIR futures markets, clearly explaining what they are, how they can be traded, and where the profit opportunities are. The book has been written for aspiring traders and also for experienced traders looking for new markets.This book offers a unique look at a significant but often overlooked financial instrument. By focusing exclusively on this market, the Author provides the reader with a comprehensive guide to trading STIR futures. He covers key points such as how STIR futures are priced, the need to understand what is driving the markets and causing the price action, and provides in-depth detail and trading examples of the intra-contract spread market and cross-market trading opportunities of trading STIR futures against other financial products. An essential read for anyone wishing to enter this market.
2019-12-21 18:50:42 5.56MB trading future interest rate