Obi Fluid是一个使用粒子的物理效果模拟液体效果的插件。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
2021-12-19 01:03:57 9.79MB Unity
超好用超好用超好用的unity流体系统插件,unity商店收费资源。 Requires Unity 5.6.0 or higher. With Obi Fluid you can create fully multi-threaded AAA quality fluid simulations with ease. Fluids react to each other, can affect and be affected by rigid bodies (even make them float or sink!), and are capable of sticking to surfaces. Features: - Custom emitter shapes. - Two-way rigid body interaction. - Modular solver: don't waste performance, all parameters are exposed. - Adjustable solver iteration count. - In-editor simulation preview. - Hassle-free particle resolution adjust using a single parameter. - Supports high density ratios in multiphase simulations. - Simulation state gets serialized -> save your fluids mid-simulation->instantiate them already warm-started. - Supports Box, Sphere, Capsule, Mesh, Character and Terrain colliders. - Automatic camera culling: non-visible fluids do not update their simulation.
2021-12-17 10:50:06 9.29MB 流体 unity 管道水流 插件
作者:Frank M White McGraw-Hill出版社出版的
2021-12-05 20:37:02 13.48MB Frank M White
Obi Fluid(水流效果插件)是最新版本的unity 3D插件,可以生成水流效果,模拟液体的,使用粒子的物理效果模拟液体效果的插件,跨平台,效果非常真实。
2021-12-02 16:45:04 12.58MB shader obi fluid 流体
计算流体力学经典教材,英文版 John.D.Anderson
Computational fluid dynamics. The basics with applications (Anderson J.D) 比较适合入门级的,中文版也不错,买了一本。请支持正版吧!
Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics
2021-11-24 17:32:48 1.38MB Fluid Simulation for Computer
(解压密码 practical introduction, the second edition of Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics shows you how to animate fully three-dimensional incompressible flow. It covers all the aspects of fluid simulation, from the mathematics and algorithms to implementation, while making revisions and updates to reflect changes in the field since the first edition.Highlights of the Second Edition        ,解压密码
2021-11-19 09:05:59 8.77MB 英文
unity流水特效插件Obi Fluid ,2017.4.10亲测可用
2021-11-18 18:12:21 10.44MB unity 水流
问题解决:AttributeError: module ‘paddle.fluid’ has no attribute ‘EndStepEvent’问题描述解决思路问题解决 问题描述 在使用paddle.fluid导入EndStepEvent过程中 global step if isinstance(event, fluid.EndStepEvent): if event.step == 0: plot_cost.append('Train Cost', step, event.metrics[0]) plot
2021-11-11 00:36:44 56KB add AS att