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[模拟和数字电子电路基础] Agarwal.&.Lang.(2005).Foundations.of.Analog.and.Digital.Electronic.Circuits 电子档非扫描 标签很正 很好的英文教材
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Foundations.of.Analog.and.Digital.Electronic.Circuits 模拟与数字电子电路基础 [AnantAgarwal编著][清华大学出版社][2008.08][654页][12071762](2)
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This handbook is designed to aid electronic warfare and radar systems engineers in making general estimations regarding capabilities of systems. This handbook is sponsored by the NAVAIR Director of Electronic Warfare/Combat Systems Department. This fourth edition updates technical information in Sections 3-7 and 3-8 from previous editions.
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The 3rd International Conference of Electronic Engineering and Information Science (ICEEIS2016) was held January 4-5, 2016 in Harbin, P.R. China. This conference is sponsored by Harbin University of Science and Technology. The conference continues the excellent tradition of gathering world-class researchers, engineers and educators engaged in the fields of electronic engineering and information science to meet and present their latest activities.,解压密码 share.weimo.info
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