该项目的目标是创建一个转换实用程序,以将自定义Snort规则转换为可在Cisco IDS / IPS设备上使用的格式。
2021-05-06 12:04:10 473KB 开源软件
2021-04-28 19:58:22 1.66MB 水汽 modis 转换插件 envi
convert_source 将源DICOM , PAR REC或NIFTI图像数据转换为BIDS目录布局。 用作输入的YAML配置文件规定了用于查找和重命名文件的搜索词。 有关示例,请参阅config/config.default.yml或config/config.example.yml 。 需要dcm2niix和pydicom 。 usage: study_proc [-h] [-s STUDY_DIR] [-o OUT_DIR] [-c CONFIG.yml] [--no-gzip] [--compress INT] [--zero-pad INT] [--append-dwi-info] [--verbose] [--version] [--path-env PATH_VAR] Convert sou
2021-04-27 17:50:25 3.76MB conversion dicom mri pet
modis_conversion_toolkit.sav 及用户手册 用于在ENVI软件中处理MODIS HDF格式数据集。
2021-04-21 15:16:16 563KB MCTK MODIS ENVI
STM DC-DC Conversion 芯片全系列原理图库+PCB封装库(AD集成库).IntLib后缀文件,拆分后文件为PcbLib+SchLib格式,Altium Designer原理图库+PCB封装库,集成库型号列表如下: Library Component Count : 186 Name Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L296 High-Current Switching Regulator, 15-Pin Multiwatt Vertical L296HT High-Current Switching Regulator, 15-Pin Multiwatt Horizontal L296P High-Current Switching Regulator, 15-Pin Multiwatt Vertical L4960 2.5A Power Switching Regulator, 7-Pin Heptawatt Vertical L4960H 2.5A Power Switching Regulator, 7-Pin Heptawatt Horizontal L4962/A 1.5A Power Switching Regulator, 16-Pin powerdip L4962E/A 1.5A Power Switching Regulator, 7-Pin Heptawatt Vertical L4962EH/A 1.5A Power Switching Regulator, 7-Pin Heptawatt Horizontal L4963D 1.5A Switching Regulator, 20-Pin SO L4963D013TR 1.5A Switching Regulator, 20-Pin SO, Tape and Reel L4963W 1.5A Switching Regulator, 18-Pin Power DIP L4964 High-Current Switching Regulator, 15-Pin Multiwatt Vertical L4964HT High-Current Switching Regulator, 15-Pin Multiwatt Horizontal (Short leads) L4970A 10A Switching Regulator, 15-Pin Multiwatt Vertical L4971 1.5A, Step-down switching regulator, 8-Pin DIP L4971D 1.5A, Step-down switching regulator, 16-Pin SO L4971D013TR 1.5A, Step-down switching regulator, 16-Pin SO, Tape and Reel L4972A 2A Switching Regulator, 20-Pin Power DIP L4972AD 2A Switching Regulator, 20-Pin SO L4972AD013TR 2A Switching Regulator, 20-Pin SO, Tape and Reel L4973D3.3 3.5A Step Down Switching Regulator, 20-Pin SO L4973D3.3-013TR 3.5A Step Down Switching Regulator, 20-Pin SO, Tape and Reel L4973D5.1 3.5A Step Down Switching Regulator, 20-Pin SO L4973D5.1-013TR 3.5A Step Down Switching Re
2021-04-07 20:09:43 5.42MB 数据处理 天宝数字水准仪 平差易
2021-04-02 17:04:45 406KB stm32
完整英文版UL 347A:2021 Medium Voltage Power Conversion Equipment (中压电源转换设备 )。 本标准涵盖了封闭的中压功率转换设备,例如变频控制器,它们控制功率并将其传输给电动机。这些要求还包括用于电源转换设备或与电源转换设备一起使用的电源模块,输入/输出模块和电子组件。同时涵盖额定电压超过1500伏至38kV的设备。设备可能具有大于1500 V的输入额定值,大于1500 V的输出额定值或两者。
2021-03-24 20:02:22 17.86MB ul 347a 中等电压 功率转换
# 目的是掌握IEEE的转换功能。 numeric_std软件包(请参阅提供的文件“ VHDL_1164pkg.pdf”)来解决 VHDL。 # Describe in behavioral VHDL a modulo-m up/down counter with the following interface: – Generics • Modulo base (m with default value of 16) – Inputs • Clock (clk -> 1 bit) • Asynchronous reset (rst -> 1 bit) • Counting direction (up_down -> 1 bit) – 1 -> Counting up, – 0 -> Counting down – Outputs • Count value (count -> [log2(m)] bits) # The mod-m up/down counter should work as follows: – When counting up (up_down = '1'), it starts from 0, 1, 2, ..., m-1 (e.g., when m = 27 as in the provided testbench, then it should count 0, 1, 2, ..., 26 and then loops back to 0, 1, and so on) – When counting down (up_down = '0'), it starts from m-1, m-2, ..., 2, 1, 0 (e.g., when m = 27 as in the provided testbench, then it should count 26, 25, ..., 2, 1, 0 and then loops back to 26, 25, and so on) # In Vivado: – Create a project – Add design and simulation source files – Run behavioral simulation – Waveform configuration
2021-03-18 11:10:15 204KB vhdl
在邀请别人约会或跳伞之前,了解成功的可能性是很重要的。向潜在客户报价房屋保险价格也是如此。Homesite是一家领先的房主保险提供商,目前还没有一个动态转换率模型,可以让他们相信报价会促成购买。 使用匿名的客户和销售活动信息数据库,包括财产和承保范围信息,Homesite要求您预测哪些客户会购买给定的报价。准确预测转换率将有助于Homesite更好地了解建议的价格变化的影响并维持理想的客户群。 Homesite Quote Conversion_datasets.txt
2021-03-12 18:06:10 303B 数据集