Web servers typically maintain log files of client accesses to the web pages that they store. Given suitable tools, these logs enable web service managers to extract and analyze useful information such as: which are the most popular pages they provide; which ip took the most pages from the site; whether other sites appear to have broken links to this site’s pages; how much data is being delivered to clients; the busiest periods over the course of a day, or week, or month. Such information might help managers to determine, for instance, whether they need to upgrade to more powerful server machines, or when the quietest periods are in order to schedule maintenance activities. The log analyzer project contains an application that performs an analysis of data from such a web server. The server writes a log line to a file each time an access is made. A sample log file called access.log is provided.
2021-10-12 18:01:28 143KB java log
住房_价格_分配 借助Ridge和Lasso回归进行房价分析
2021-10-03 21:25:46 1.31MB JupyterNotebook
贪婪算法matlab代码ROS-assignment-3-RRT-planner 作业说明: 指导原则: 要安装youBot软件包和ROS的机器人控制器,请在下面查看此链接: 源代码:./src/rrt_youbot_node.cpp 启动文件:./launch/test_youbot.launch Matlab脚本:RRT:./matlab/rrt_connect_test/,正向运动学(youBot):./matlab/kuka_youbot_kinematics/ 通过以下链接(geeksforgeeks)使用了Dijkstra算法的源代码:
2021-09-24 15:47:38 248KB 系统开源
Cooperation Aware Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing.pdf
2021-09-14 13:08:26 350KB 论文
Tutorial on Implementation of Munkres' Assignment Algorithm
2021-08-08 09:05:55 252KB Munkres
Assignment 4 Practice Exam-2.pdf
2021-08-06 17:05:14 430KB CPCU
学士学位详情 该存储库是RUDRA BARAD-18DCS007在整个学士学位期间完成的所有提交的集合,其中包括Practicals 、 Assignemnts 、 Pratical Files 、 Notes 、 External Practical Files和Exam Answersheets 。 该自述文件还包含所有学期和课程的所有详细信息。 B.Tech -计算机科学与工程 (CSE) 大学名称 -学院名称 - 学位期限 - 4 年 [2018-2022] 学生证- 18DCS007 CGPA - 9.76(截至第 6 届) :loudspeaker: 对于那些也想像这样组织他们的东西的人,我希望通过将您的存储库链接回此存储库来获得适当的荣誉: :relieved_face: Repo inspired by [Rudra Barad](https://github.com/rudrabarad/Bachelors-F
2021-07-23 18:03:17 351.91MB course submissions assignment courses
2021-07-22 13:02:54 192KB Java
cpsc-assignment-3 此作业的目的是创建一个名为 mastermind 的游戏。
2021-07-14 13:03:37 1.65MB Java
2021-07-11 19:12:51 6KB Java