Android Camera 本系列会包括Android Camera预览,拍照,视频录制,播放,滤镜及渲染等,还会对相机系统原理做深入分析。 一、相机预览 序号 项目名称 内容简介 1 GLSurfacePreview GLSurfaceView OpenGL相机预览,直接绘制到Display Surface 2 GLSurfacePreview2 GLSurfaceView OpenGL相机预览,先绘制到FBO的Texture上,再处理后(变红)绘制到Display Surface 3 SurfacePreview SurfaceView OpenGL EGL相机预览,直接绘制到Display Surface 4 SurfacePreview2 SurfaceView OpenGL EGL相机预览,先绘制到PBuffer,再Blit到Display Surface 5 MultiSurfacePreview 相机预览到两个窗口,一个是原始图像绘制到Texture,再将Texture处理后画到一个小窗口 二,视频录制
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android-equipment-information 获取安卓设备信息 工具版本:Android Studio 1.3 RC3 系统和CPU信息 显示、存储、电池信息 传感器信息
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Hisab Introduction Ever stuck keeping track of expenses, splitting bills amongs friends and managing money lending ? If you answer is yes, then Hisab is just for you. Hisab can keep track of expenses, and money lending for you. Installation This is android source code you can import it in Android Studio to get the application running
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android ftp客户端,实现了登录,下载,上传,剪切,重命名,新建文件夹,删除,同步等功能 android ftp客户端,实现了登录,下载,上传,剪切,重命名,新建文件夹,删除,同步等功能
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FIND3 Android App This is the open-source minimal Android app for using with FIND3. This app will allow you to use your phone to perform constant scans of Bluetooth and WiFi signals and levels that can be associated with certain locations in your home to allow internal positioning. To get started with this app, use Android Studio 3 and "Import Project" after downloading the Git repository. Roadmap [x] Get locations for a family after it is typed in, and use those for autocompletion. Documen
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poem 一款诗歌阅读的安卓app,包括搜索,推荐,生成图片分享,分类查看,设置等功能,需要服务器做后台支撑
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