unity 屏幕后处理插件 PostProcessing --------------
2022-04-14 22:35:00 741KB unity Post Processing
Unity DOTS tech stack in a single place. Currently, the major ones are: Unity Animation Unity Transport and Unity NetCode Unity Physics Entities with conversion workflow and Unity Live Link Hybrid Renderer (HDRP) Supported platforms, requirements and Unity versions Currently the project supports these: Unity: 2019.3.6f1 Platforms: Windows and MacOS
2022-04-13 17:06:12 45.29MB unity 游戏引擎
Bootstrap Yourself with Linux-USB S tack: Design, Develop, Debug, and V alidate Embedded USB, Rajaram Regupathy, Course Technology PTR ISBN -13: 978-1-4 354-5786-7 ISBN -10: 1-4354- 5786-2
2022-04-11 14:52:07 3.52MB USB Embedded Linux Bootstrap
OpenStack 入门类书籍,帮助对云计算、私有云构建、混合云构建感兴趣的读者 提供思路
2022-03-21 18:06:24 41.66MB OpenStack 云计算
Source Code for STM32 Ethernet (ETH) Library
2022-03-21 16:02:09 10.98MB stm32 tcpip 协议栈 stack
AUTOSAR_SWS_TcpIp-stack TCP/IP协议栈 经典平台 4.3.1 2017-12-8
2022-03-17 21:00:21 2.75MB AUTOSA
这些文件在 matlab 中实现了列表、队列、堆栈数据结构,队列和堆栈比 java 的替代方案要快一点。 CStack 定义一个栈数据结构 它喜欢 java.util.Stack,但是,它可以使用 CStack.content() 来返回堆栈的所有数据(在单元格中),并且速度更快比java的堆栈。 s = CStack(c); c 是一个单元格,可以省略s.size() 返回元素的数量s.empty() 返回栈是否为空s.push(el) 将 el 推到栈顶s.pop() 弹出栈顶,返回元素s.top() 返回栈顶元素s.remove() 移除栈中的所有元素s.content() 返回栈的所有数据(以a的形式) 大小为[s.size(),1]的像元 CQueue 定义一个队列数据结构 它喜欢 java.util.Queue,然而,它可以使用 CQueue.content() 来返回队
2022-03-16 16:18:22 13KB matlab
Z-Stack 3.0.x is TI's Zigbee 3.0 compliant protocol suite for the CC2530, CC2531, and CC2538 Wireless MCU. Supports the CC2592 and CC2590 RF front ends which extend up to +22dBm and +14dBm transmit power, respectively, and provide improved receiver sensitivity Z-Stack 3.0 combines multiple previous Zigbee profiles into one unified standard Incorporates the unified Zigbee Cluster Library which is at the foundation of dotdot, the universal language for IoT applications defining data objects, models and functionalities for embedded IoT applications Implements Zigbee Base Device Behavior specification, which defines a common set of mechanisms for network forming, discovering, and application provisioning to be used by all Zigbee devices Based on Zigbee PRO 2015 stack, it provides new and improved security modes, including Install Codes for out-of-band key exchange, and Distributed Security Networks for Coordinator-less network topology Supports Green Power Proxy, allowing energy-harvesting and ultra-low power devices to connect seamlessly to a Zigbee network Forwards and backwards compatibility with previous Zigbee PRO and application profiles is maintained Sample Applications included for quick prototyping, including door lock, thermostat, light and switch, and temperature sensor Zigbee Network Processor firmware, providing an abstracted access to the Zigbee Pro 2015 stack and Base Device Behavior functionality via a serial port for two-chip architectures Zigbee-based applications Over-the-air firmware upgrade and serial bootloader capability, allowing for future updates of deployed systems Compatible with TI's Z-Stack Linux Gateway, a reference implementation of an Ethernet-to-Zigbee gateway using a Linux-based platform as host processor, that makes it easy to integrate applications on top of an IP-based interface which abstracts Zigbee protocol functionality to the users.
2022-03-15 14:09:11 23.36MB Z-Stack 3.0.1
详细介绍用EC6+构建Apps,使用React开发SPA应用,用create-react-app安装项目、Redux、React Router、TypeScript, Node用Express和GraphQL开发WEB服务等内容。
2022-02-22 14:10:02 681.37MB typescript react.js GraphQL ReactRouter
M5-Stack-Atom-Wi-Fi-Communication- 此项目中使用了M5 Stack的Atom模块。 其中一个Atom模块将充当主模块,并将不断从其余四个用作从设备的Atom模块中收集数据。 Slave Atom将使用板载MPU6886 MEMS采样加速度数据。
2022-01-15 15:32:35 19KB C++