2021-07-12 19:18:07 670KB things 物联网
用于MQTT协议的Eclipse Paho C客户端库 该存储库包含 MQTT C客户端库的源代码。 该代码构建的库使应用程序能够连接到代理以发布消息,订阅主题并接收已发布的消息。 支持同步和各种异步编程模型。 关于MQTT的信息 图书馆 Paho C客户端包括共享或静态的四个变体库: paho-mqtt3a-异步(MQTTAsync) paho-mqtt3as-与SSL异步(MQTTAsync) paho-mqtt3c-“经典” /同步(MQTTClient) paho-mqtt3cs-“经典” /与SSL同步(MQTTClient) 用法和API 详细的API文档。 也可以通过在doc目录中构建Doxygen文档来使用。 样本可在Doxygen文档中获得,也可在src/samples获得参考。 这些都是: paho_c_pub.c和paho_c_sub.c:用于发
2021-07-06 22:17:54 4.29MB mqtt iot internet-of-things eclipse-paho
wakaama:Eclipse Wakaama是开放移动联盟的LightWeight M2M协议(LWM2M)的C实现。
2021-07-05 10:11:59 260KB c iot coap internet-of-things
野生物联网 该项目支持The Internet of Wild Thing课程。 该课程的目标是教没有电子或编程经验的学生如何开始将互联网与现实世界相结合。 通过使用和 ,学生可以组合电子元件、配置网络界面,并使现实世界和网络事件协同工作。 固件生成 固件是通过用户界面根据引脚选择生成的。 按Save and Bootload将生成一个新文件,将其上传到正确的 spark core,并触发 core reset。 我目前的代码生成方法有点草率,可能可以改进。 查看duino/template.ino以查看原型文件。 设置引脚状态 生成的代码有一个 API 端点setState ,可以通过访问它,并且可用于明确设置为输入的每个引脚。 curl https://api.spark.io/v1/devices/{deviceId}/setState \ -d access_token={a
2021-07-01 17:03:51 77KB JavaScript
The Internet of Things is the latest rising star in the information and communications technology industry. It embodies the vision of connecting virtually anything with everything and builds on a global growth of the overall number of connected devices. To support, and perhaps further boost, this growth the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standards development organization has in its Release 13 developed three new technologies known as Extended Coverage GSM Internet of Things (EC-GSM-IoT), LTE for Machine-Type Communications (LTE-M), and Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) dedicated to providing cellular services to a massive number of IoT devices. This book sets out to introduce, characterize, and, when relevant, in detail describe these three new technologies, defining a new concept known as the Cellular Internet of Things. To start with, Chapter 1 introduces the overall content of the book. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the accomplishments of 3GPP in the field of Machine-Type Communications until Release 13. Chapters 3, 5, and 7 describe the design objectives as well as the technical foundations of EC-GSM-IoT, LTE-M, and NB-IoT. Both physical layer details and idle and connected mode procedures are presented. Chapters 4, 6, and 8 go through the performance objectives of the three technologies and present extensive evaluation results in terms of coverage, throughput, latency, battery lifetime, system capacity, and device complexity. The details behind each of these performance objectives including the methodologies for evaluating them are presented. Chapter 9 summarizes the findings of the earlier chapters and describes the merits of the three technologies and provides a comparison between them. The chapter also introduces a set of solutions for short- and long-range communications operating in unlicensed frequency bands. The advantages of licensed operation over unlicensed operation are highlighted. Finally, Chapter 10 gives a glance of how the
2021-06-18 12:04:02 20.95MB IoT Cellular
Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies, Applications, Challenges and Solutions 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-06-18 11:54:49 13.06MB Internet Things Technologies Applications
A Software Architecture for the Industrial Internet of things.pdf
2021-06-02 18:02:53 924KB digitalization
This Executive Summary provides a brief résumé of the ITU report “The Internet of Things”, which has been specially prepared for the World Summit on the Information Society held in Tunis, 16-18 November 2005. It includes a selection of tables, illustrations and analysis of the full report, which can be purchased online or in printed copy. For further information, please visit the website at: www.itu.int/internetofthings
2021-06-02 16:51:58 755KB 物联网
the design of future things
2021-05-26 17:09:22 1.28MB norman design
Android Things中文字体包,bootanimation.zip,直接上传google控制台生成镜像即可
2021-05-20 21:26:26 4.82MB 中文字体