文档来源:https://www.cnswift.org/ 2019年01月30日 → 同步更新到了 Swift 5。 在火狐插件支持下,纯手工本制作。文档的特色是保持了网页原汁原味的排版。
2019-12-21 20:17:33 11.28MB iOS Swift5 Swift
A book on creating delightful iOS animations in Swift! From beginning to advanced topics like layer animations, view controller transitions, and more. Currently updated to: Platform: iOS13; Language: Swift5.1; Editor: Xcode11
2019-12-21 19:44:07 366.15MB iOS Animation Ray Wenderlich
TheSwiftProgrammingLanguageSwift5.epub swift5.0 原版文档
2019-12-21 18:53:12 1.69MB swift swift5.0