旧版本firefox 35 selenium自动化开发工具,包含firefox 35 、firebug-2.0.19-fx.xpi、firefinder.xpi、selenium_ide-2.9.1-fx.xpi、selenium-java-3.141.59
2021-04-08 13:59:48 48.32MB Firefox35 firebug-2.0.19 firefinder selenium_ide-2.9
2021-03-30 22:05:11 242B Selenium自动化 Selenium Python Selenium视频
2021-03-05 20:05:13 253.76MB selenium 自动化 java
2021-02-05 19:05:51 2.52MB python selenium
Python+Selenium自动化测试环境安装部署说明_for linux.docx
2021-02-05 19:05:51 264KB python selenium
资源宝贵,请及时下载 Book Description The Selenium WebDriver 3.x Technology is an open source API available to test both Browser and Mobile applications. It is completely platform independent in that tests built for one browser or mobile device, will also work on all other browsers and mobile devices. Selenium supports all major development languages which allow it to be tied directly into the technology used to develop the applications. This guide will provide a step-by-step approach to designing and building a data-driven test framework using Selenium WebDriver, Java, and TestNG. The book starts off by introducing users to the Selenium Page Object Design Patterns and D.R.Y Approaches to Software Development. In doing so, it covers designing and building a Selenium WebDriver framework that supports both Browser and Mobile Devices. It will lead the user through a journey of architecting their own framework with a scalable driver class, Java utility classes, JSON Data Provider, Data-Driven Test Classes, and support for third party tools and plugins. Users will learn how to design and build a Selenium Grid from scratch to allow the framework to scale and support different browsers, mobile devices, versions, and platforms, and how they can leverage third party grids in the Cloud like SauceLabs. Other topics covered include designing abstract base and sub-classes, inheritance, dual-driver support, parallel testing, testing multi-branded applications, best practices for using locators, and data encapsulation. Finally, you will be presented with a sample fully-functional framework to get them up and running with the Selenium WebDriver for browser testing. By the end of the book, you will be able to design your own automation testing framework and perform data-driven testing with Selenium WebDriver. Contents 1: BUILDING A SCALABLE SELENIUM TEST DRIVER CLASS FOR WEB AND MOBILE APPLICATIONS 2: SELENIUM FRAMEWORK UTILITY CLASSES 3: BEST PRACTICES FOR BUILDING SELENIUM PAGE OBJECT CLAS
2020-01-03 11:18:15 2.51MB selenium 自动化 测试框架
Selenium POM自动化测试框架, 测试员只需专注于自动化测试用例的开发,框架自动收集测试结果并生成测试报告。
2019-12-21 22:18:09 4.14MB Selenium