2021-05-21 13:02:19 12.09MB Panoramic Blending
2021-04-30 12:44:41 106B
Realtime_PyAudio_FFT 一个简单的程序包,可使用PyAudio和Numpy在本地Python中进行实时音频分析,以从实时音频流中提取和可视化FFT功能。 基本管道: 启动一个stream_reader,使用PyAudio(声卡,麦克风等)从任何来源提取实时音频数据 每秒多次从此流中读取数据(例如,每秒1000次更新),并将该数据存储在fifo缓冲区中 当由.get_audio_features()触发时,stream_analyzer .get_audio_features() Fast-Fourier-Transform应用于缓冲区中的最新音频窗口 启用visualize ,可视化器使用PyGame GUI实时显示这些FFT功能(我制作了两种显示模式:2D和3D) 要求: pip install -r requirements.txt 如果您在安装PyAudio时遇到
2021-04-29 20:37:46 9MB pyaudio audio-visualizer fft realtime-audio
该存储库已与Tensorflow 2.0的最新和推荐版本不兼容,我没有费力地重构此代码,而是创建了一个新的新存储库,其中包含一些其他功能,例如: 基于MobilenetV2的较小模型的培训代码。 在Tensorboard中可视化预测(热图,pafs)。 用于转换和测试Tensorflow Lite的模型的其他脚本。 这是新的链接: 实时多人姿势估计(不建议使用) 这是项目的keras版本 介绍 使用keras复制论文的代码回购。 这是一个新的改进版本。 主要目的是消除对独立c ++服务器的依赖,这种依赖除了编译的复杂性外还包含一些错误……而且速度很慢。 如果您确实一下,使用的旧版本仍可以
2021-04-26 14:35:07 14.36MB real-time caffe computer-vision deep-learning
2021-03-29 14:10:51 5.54MB VisualBasic.NET
Unity Realtime Painting.unitypackage
2021-03-17 11:20:04 11.19MB RealtimePainti unity涂鸦 paint
光度标定Online Photometric Calibration of Auto Exposure Video for Realtime Visual
2021-02-19 20:09:09 4.74MB slam
Real-Time_3D_Rendering_with_DirectX_and_HLSL http://www.varcholik.org/wpress/
2020-11-16 09:50:04 15.46MB RealTime Rendering DirectX HLSL
Publication Date: July 27, 2011 Important elements of games, movies, and other computer-generated content, shadows are crucial for enhancing realism and providing important visual cues. In recent years, there have been notable improvements in visual quality and speed, making high-quality realistic real-time shadows a reachable goal. Real-Time Shadows is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of real-time shadow techniques. It covers a large variety of different effects, including hard, soft, volumetric, and semi-transparent shadows. The book explains the basics as well as many advanced aspects related to the domain of shadow computation. It presents interactive solutions and practical details on shadow computation. The authors compare various algorithms for creating real-time shadows and illustrate how they are used in different situations. They explore the limitations and failure cases, advantages and disadvantages, and suitability of the algorithms in several applications. Source code, videos, tutorials, and more are available on the book’s website www.realtimeshadows.com.
2020-03-14 03:07:14 47.01MB realtime shadow
Real-Time Rendering 4th Edition完整版 全彩 pdf 892MB 这里挂的是百度云链接
2019-12-21 21:31:21 66B realtime ren 实时渲染 图形学