Python可移植、功能强大、易于使用,是编写独立应用程序和脚本应用程序的理想选择。无论你是刚接触编程或者刚接触Python,通过学习本书,你可以迅速高效地精通核心Python语言基础。读完本书,你会对这门语言有足够的了解,从而可以在你所从事的任何应用领域中使用它。   本书是作者根据过去10年用于教学而广为人知的培训课程的材料编写而成的。除了有许多详实说明和每章小结之外,每章还包括一个头脑风暴:这是本书独特的一部分,配合以实用的练习题和复习题,让读者练习新学的技巧并测试自己的理解程度。
2021-02-27 14:09:58 24MB Python 学习手册
2020-01-03 11:20:53 92.76MB Python 学习手册 第4版
2019-12-30 03:22:38 130.21MB python 运维
Python工具书 学Python的经典书籍 由浅入深 本书为完整版
2019-12-23 03:15:43 127.08MB 编程
Python学习手册.mobi kindle电子书 python必读 附带源码
2019-12-21 20:37:55 47.97MB python
Learning Python 5th Edition (Python学习手册第五版)可复制粘贴,有目录 This fifth edition completed in 2013 is a revision of the prior, updated to cover both Python 3.3 and 2.7, the current latest releases in the 3.X and 2.X lines. It ncorporates all language changes introduced in each line since the prior edition was published, and has been polished throughout to update and sharpen its presentation. Specifically: • Python 2.X coverage here has been updated to include features such as dictionary and set comprehensions that were formerly for 3.X only, but have been back-ported for use in 2.7. • Python 3.X coverage has been augmented for new yield and raise syntax; the __pycache__ bytecode model; 3.3 namespace packages; PyDoc’s all-browser mode; Unicode literal and storage changes; and the new Windows launcher shipped with 3.3. • Assorted new or expanded coverage for JSON, timeit, PyPy, os.popen, generators, recursion, weak references, __mro__, __iter__, super, __slots__, metaclasses, descriptors,random, Sphinx, and more has been added, along with a general increase in 2.X compatibility in both examples and narrative.
2019-12-21 19:21:34 13.41MB python
Python学习手册(第4版)》-- 中文版高清带目录!原作者:Mark Lutz
2019-12-21 18:53:42 95.46MB Python
python学习手册中文版只出到了第四版,这版是原版英文的 本书第5版从以下3个方面做出了修改: 覆盖了Python 3.0和Python 2.6,本书强调Python 3.0,但是对Python 2.6中的不同之处给出了提示。 包含了一些新的章节,主要介绍高级的核心语言话题。 重新组织了一些已有的材料,并且使用新的示例扩展它们以便更清楚。
2019-10-15 00:24:35 13.81MB python
2017-01-22 00:00:00 40.72MB Python