《Practical UML StateCharts In C/C++,Second Edition》中文版PDF 《UML状态图的实用C/C++设计》第二版PDF
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By Christopher Saint, Judy Saint MASTER IC LAYOUT WITHOUT AN ENGINEERING BACKGROUND! In IC LAYOUT BASICS, you get the same top-notch material utilized in IBM’s successful training courses. This essential primerbrings you up to speed on: * Integrated circuit processes * Layout techniques * Fundamental device concepts * Wafer processes
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Book Description: Learn how to design complex, correct programs and fix problems before writing a single line of code. This book is a practical, comprehensive resource on TLA+ programming with rich, complex examples. Practical TLA+ shows you how to use TLA+ to specify a complex system and test the design itself for bugs. You’ll learn how even a short TLA+ spec can find critical bugs. Start by getting your feet wet with an example of TLA+ used in a bank transfer system, to see how it helps you design, test, and build a better application. Then, get some fundamentals of TLA+ operators, logic, functions, PlusCal, models, and concurrency. Along the way you will discover how to organize your blueprints and how to specify distributed systems and eventual consistency. Finally, you’ll put what you learn into practice with some working case study applications, applying TLA+ to a wide variety of practical problems: from algorithm performance and data structures to business code and MapReduce. After reading and using this book, you’ll have what you need to get started with TLA+ and how to use it in your mission-critical applications. What You’ll Learn Read and write TLA+ specifications Check specs for broken invariants, race conditions, and liveness bugs Design concurrency and distributed systems Learn how TLA+ can help you with your day-to-day production work Who This Book Is For Those with programming experience who are new to design and to TLA+.
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