Component Software For as long as personal computers have existed, the industry has provided increasingly powerful hardware for CPU-hungry software. Companies such as Intel have upgraded their processors from 8 to 16 to 32 bits and have increased their clock speed from 4.77 to over 550 megahertz (MHz). Under development are 64-bit processors that will run at still higher clock speeds. Yet the cost of developing a new processor is so prohibitive that only the largest corporations can afford the expense of upgrading. And we might someday run into the law of diminishing returns, making the expense of development outweigh the possible improvements.
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inside windows2000中文版.pdf
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深入介绍如何debug windows,比较难,不适合初学者,英文版。
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Inside the Java Virtual machine. 中文扫描版,是学些Java虚拟机的不可多得的好资料
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Inside Visual.C++.5th.Ed 经典《Visual C++ 技术内幕》一书,压缩包内有中文版,英文版,随附源代码。
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如何去除windows10预览版 Insider Preview 水印,去除windows10预览版 Insider Preview预览版水印小工具
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Microsoft Windows has been around for more than three decades. During that time, it has grown to become a mainstay of business and personal computing, running on some 1.5 billion devices worldwide. The authors of this book began working together in 2001 with the very first title in the Inside Out series, covering Windows XP. Like many of you, we took a break a few years ago, watching from the sidelines as Microsoft released Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. We returned for Windows 10 because, quite frankly, we were excited by the possibilities of “Windows as a service.” As we predicted in the first edition of this book, published shortly after the initial release of Windows 10 in 2015, Windows 10 is evolving rapidly. That evolution has been a key part of our experience over the past three years, as we researched and wrote what turned out to be a very significant revision to the original edition and then did a series of ebook-only updates. This third edition incorporates all that learning and covers the two editions of Windows 10 released in 2018. One bedrock fact we’ve discovered over the past three years is that the core features of Windows 10 are familiar and change very slowly. The fundamentals of NTFS security and the registry, for example, have remained reassuringly consistent throughout many generations of Windows. But there’s also plenty that’s new in Windows 10, some of it obvious (the new Start experience) and some not so obvious (Windows Hello). The challenge of writing a book like this one is that Microsoft keeps updating Windows 10, releasing new features twice each year instead of every few years, as in the past. To our great relief, we’ve found that most of the changes in these semi-annual Windows 10 feature updates are evolutionary, not revolutionary. You might notice small changes in a dialog box or in the appearance of a feature, but its fundamental workings remain the same as before. Our goal in this edition is to help you accomplish those familiar tasks
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整理收集了Inside Qt Series真正全集,共16章内容(含好几个章节多个网页缺失的插图片,将全集各章插入章标题)
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