source insight 插件合集, 非常适用的Sourceinsight插件,提高效率事半功倍
2022-09-19 17:21:22 48KB source insight 插件合集
2022-09-06 17:51:07 10.16MB source insight 3.5 安装包
在source insight 窗体中靠右排列显示tab插件,并且带了一个漂亮的tab设置文件
2022-08-31 11:14:47 9.35MB source insight tab 插件
找了好久的杭州华三通信技术有限公司的source insight的配置文件。 0. 此为C/C++的SourceInsight配置文件,其他语言的为默认。(字体颜色在其他编程语言有效) 1. 主要就是给那些习惯于等宽字体编程的人们。采用微软Vista自带的等宽字体:Consolas 2. 对各个编写程序的软件(UltraEdit, SourceInsight, BeyondCompare, Notepad2)及各种IDE开发环境(Visual C++, Borland C++, Borland C++ Builder, Visual Studio .net)的所有颜色进行了最大的统一,给出了一种最合理的颜色,具体如下: 常数:红色 宏定义(包括枚举常量):橙色,便于与红色接近 字符串常量及字符常量:默认色,黄底粉字,便于与红色接近 关键字:蓝色,与UltraEdit, BeyondCompare, Notepad2, Visual C++, Borland C++接近或统一。 全局变量:紫色 函数:绿色 运算符:绿色 局部变量:青色 未知函数名、变量名:黑色,一眼可以看出是否为笔误而变成了未知的函数名。 3. 对默认的很多快捷键进行了重定义,重定义快捷键的初衷:某些功能操作,仅需要一只手完成或,右手还需要继续操作鼠标;而某些功能需要两只手操作,比如输入查找替换等功能,就需要两个手同时输入。 所以对一只手的功能操作重定义成左手的按键即可完成,对于需要两只手的快捷操作则由两只手完成
2022-08-24 10:09:48 130KB source insight配置
2022-08-20 21:17:23 190KB Source Insight 配置
在ubuntu下会存在source insight不支持显示utf-8编码格式的中文,而支持GB2312编码格式的中文。目前有多种方法解决该中文显示乱码问题,但通过iconv命令转换是最为方便快捷的方法,无法安装任何额外插件。可惜网上没找到现成的可以转换指定目录下所有文件编码格式的脚本,只好自己写了一个,实现如下功能: 1. 实现转换指定目录下所有.cpp & .h文件的编码格式(如想转换更多其他格式,请自行修改L16的判断条件),源编码格式:utf-8,目的编码格式:gb2312(如想修改源、目的编码格式,修改L6,L7的变量赋值即可)。 2.自动生成指定目录的目的编码格式目录,例如,如指定目录名为A、包含一个文件名为test.cpp的文件、目的编码格式为gb2312,那么脚本执行完毕,会自动生成A_gb2312目录,其中包含test_gb2312.cpp文件。 3. 自动备份已存在的转换目标目录,例如,将上面提到的A_gb2312备份为A_gb2312_BAK,同时若该备份已存在,新的备份将会覆盖旧的备份。 命令格式为: “目录名”
2022-08-16 10:55:36 1KB 中文 乱码
Inverse problems arise when we reconstruct a sharper image from a blurred one or reconstruct the underground mass density from measurements of the gravity above the ground. When we solve an inverse problem, we compute the source that gives rise to some observed data using a mathematical model for the relation between the source and the data. This book gives an introduction to the practical treatment of inverse problems by means of numerical methods, with a focus on basic mathematical and computational aspects. To solve inverse problems, we demonstrate that insight about them goes hand in hand with algorithms. Discrete Inverse Problems: Insight and Algorithms includes a number of tutorial exercises that give the reader hands-on experience with the methods, difficulties, and challenges associated with the treatment of inverse problems. It also includes examples and figures that illustrate the theory and algorithms. Audience This book is written for graduate students, researchers, and professionals in engineering and other areas that depend on solving inverse problems with noisy data. The aim is to provide readers with enough background that they can solve simple inverse problems and read more advanced literature on the subject. Contents Preface; List of Symbols; Chapter 1: Introduction and Motivation; Chapter 2: Meet the Fredholm Integral Equation of the First Kind; Chapter 3: Getting to Business: Discretizations of Linear Inverse Problems; Chapter 4: Computational Aspects: Regularization Methods; Chapter 5: Getting Serious: Choosing the Regularization Parameter; Chapter 6: Toward Real-World Problems: Iterative Regularization; Chapter 7: Regularization Methods at Work: Solving Real Problems; Chapter 8: Beyond the 2-Norm: The Use of Discrete Smoothing Norms; Appendix A: Linear Algebra Stuff; Appendix B: Symmetric Toeplitz-Plus-Hankel Matrices and the DCT; Appendix C: Early Work on 揟ikhonov Regularization? Bibliography; Index. About the Author Per Christian Hansen is Professor of Scientific Computing at the Technical University of Denmark. His publications include two other books on inverse problems, several MATLAB?packages, and many papers on inverse problems, matrix computations, and signal processing. His home page is To request an examination copy or desk copy of this book, please use our online request form at
2022-08-09 09:33:04 3.59MB Inverse problems regularization parameter
1、背景颜色为浅绿色,200,255,200 2、常数:红色 宏定义(包括枚举常量):橙色,便于与红色接近 字符串常量及字符常量:默认色,黄底粉字,便于与红色接近 关键字:蓝色,与UltraEdit, BeyondCompare, Notepad2, Visual C++, Borland C++接近或统一。 全局变量:紫色 函数:绿色 运算符:绿色 局部变量:青色 未知函数名、变量名:黑色,一眼可以看出是否为笔误而变成了未知的函数名。 3、字体全部采用consolas,等宽字体比较好看,函数名没有加粗显示 4、在13英寸笔记本上显示效果很不错。 注:以上纯属个人感觉,如果觉得不入眼请自行更改
2022-08-06 23:34:24 130KB 配置文件
Source Insight 4.0.0124
2022-07-30 09:05:31 21.21MB SourceInsight4
vim配置+ctag像source insight一样方便阅读代码
2022-07-30 09:00:45 7.41MB vim