讨论区 Python语言中的Branch and Bound算法实现 它包含r_tree子模块,因此使用--递归选项进行克隆 git clone --recursive https://github.com/sudkumar/bbs_implementation 用法 $ python skyline.py < queryfile> < sampleDataFile> # 例如 python skyline.py query2.txt sample2.txt 参数文件 <查询文件> 添加了两个示例查询文件,分别名为query2.txt和sample_query.txt。第一行包含我们要在其上计算天际线的维,不包括第一列(id),并且从1开始 第二行包含磁盘上的page_size 第三行包含以空格分隔的pointer_size和key_size
2022-07-29 14:21:58 151KB Python
Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris-Database Systems_ Design, Implementation, & Management-Cengage Learning (2016).pdf
2022-07-26 20:41:44 48.97MB Carlos Coronel Steven Morris
Model predictive control (MPC) has a long history in the field of control engineering. It is one of the few areas that has received on-going interest from researchers in both the industrial and academic communities.
2022-07-14 20:50:43 5.16MB MPC  MATLAB
19423 Android Implementation Details V10.docx
2022-07-13 13:09:41 246KB 考试
2022-07-10 15:13:29 15KB rotation invariant LPQ
数字信号处理英文版课件:Chap 11 DFT Algorithm Implementation.ppt
2022-07-07 18:12:50 1.72MB 数字信号处理
This lecture presents a study of the microarchitecture of contemporary microprocessors. The fo- cus is on implementation aspects, with discussions on their implications in terms of performance, power, and cost of state-of-the-art designs. The lecture starts with an overview of the different types of microprocessors and a review of the microarchitecture of cache memories. Then, it describes the implementation of the fetch unit, where special emphasis is made on the required support for branch prediction. The next section is devoted to instruction decode with special focus on the par- ticular support to decoding x86 instructions. The next chapter presents the allocation stage and pays special attention to the implementation of register renaming. Afterward, the issue stage is studied. Here, the logic to implement out-of-order issue for both memory and non-memory instructions is thoroughly described. The following chapter focuses on the instruction execution and describes the different functional units that can be found in contemporary microprocessors, as well as the imple- mentation of the bypass network, which has an important impact on the performance. Finally, the lecture concludes with the commit stage, where it describes how the architectural state is updated and recovered in case of exceptions or misspeculations. This lecture is intended for an advanced course on computer architecture, suitable for gradu- ate students or senior undergrads who want to specialize in the area of computer architecture. It is also intended for practitioners in the industry in the area of microprocessor design. The book assumes that the reader is familiar with the main concepts regarding pipelining, out-of-order execu- tion, cache memories, and virtual memory.
2022-06-14 15:41:45 1.27MB Comput CPU
Model Predictive Control System Design and Implementation Using MATLAB的第一章的部分翻译.rar
2022-06-08 15:34:28 6.74MB
Mini DBMS:实现了一个玩具数据库管理系统,该系统将输出用户生成的查询结果,包括两阶段合并排序、排序合并连接、连接成本估算。 它还支持 SQL 查询,包括 Select、From、Where 和 GroupBy 查询。
2022-05-31 11:13:52 680KB Java