The Designer’s Guide to the Cortex-M Microcontrollers gives you an easy-to-understand introduction to the concepts required to develop programs in C with a Cortex-M based microcontroller. The book begins with an overview of the Cortex-M family, giving architectural descriptions supported with practical examples, enabling you to easily develop basic C programs to run on the Cortex-M0/M0+/M3 and M4 and M7. It then examines the more advanced features of the Cortex architecture such as memory protection, operating modes, and dual stack operation. Once a firm grounding in the Cortex-M processor has been established the book introduces the use of a small footprint RTOS and the CMSIS-DSP library. The book also examines techniques for software testing and code reuse specific to Cortex-M microcontrollers. With this book you will learn: the key differences between the Cortex-M0/M0+/M3 and M4 and M7; how to write C programs to run on Cortex-M based processors; how to make the best use of the CoreSight debug system; the Cortex-M operating modes and memory protection; advanced software techniques that can be used on Cortex-M microcontrollers; how to use a Real Time Operating System with Cortex-M devices; how to optimize DSP code for the Cortex-M4; and how to build real time DSP systems. Includes an update to the latest version (5) of MDK-ARM, which introduces the concept of using software device packs and software components Includes overviews of the new CMSIS specifications Covers developing software with CMSIS-RTOS showing how to use RTOS in a real world design Provides a new chapter on the Cortex-M7 architecture covering all the new features Includes a new chapter covering test driven development for Cortex-M microcontrollers Features a new chapter on creating software components with CMSIS-Pack and device abstraction with CMSIS-Driver Features a new chapter providing an overview of the ARMv8-M architecture including the TrustZone hardware security model
2021-07-07 18:02:34 14.02MB ARM Cortex-M Embedded
外置千兆网卡通用驱Realtek PCI GbE Family
2021-06-30 17:01:55 812KB 网卡驱动
intel 8086 系列的手册,学习微机原理的同学可以参考
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2021-06-29 09:25:20 5.61MB 网卡驱动 win7 驱动 realtek
C系列编译器 一种类似于c语言的简单语言的编译器。 写在Lex,Yacc,C。 编译器具有3个步骤: 词法分析重用将成为语法分析的抽象语法树。 语法分析。 三地址代码(3AC)生成。 演示: 为了运行该应用程序: 克隆此存储库。 打开Linux命令。 下载bison lex和yacc:sudo apt-get install bison。 转到项目位置。 根据语言规则更改codeTest.txt或保留模板代码。 运行命令:yacc -d parser.y 运行命令:lex Scanner.l 运行命令:cc -o test -ll 运行命令:./test <projectPath / codeTest.txt 如果您发现错误或需要修复的问题,请告诉我。 希望你喜欢。
2021-06-08 21:47:24 1.79MB compiler lex yacc Yacc
2021-06-04 09:05:52 194KB FPGA
介绍 自2015年以来, UNet在医学图像分割方面取得了重大突破,开启了深度学习的时代。 后来的研究人员在UNet的基础上做了很多改进,以提高语义分割的性能。 在这个项目中,我们已经编译了近年来与UNet( UNet family )有关的语义分割模型。 我的实现主要基于pytorch ,其他实现是从原始论文的作者或优秀存储库中收集的。 作为记录,该项目仍在建设中。 如果您有任何建议或问题,请提出问题或通过电子邮件与我联系。 此外,为什么UNet神经网络在医学图像分割中表现良好? 您可以从在纸湖的中找出。 网络家庭 2015年 U-Net:用于生物医学图像分割的卷积网络(MICCAI)[] [ ] [ ] 2016年 V-Net:用于体积医学图像分割的全卷积神经网络[] [ ] [ ] 3D U-Net:从稀疏注释中学习密集的体积分割[] [ ] 2017年 H-Dens
2021-06-03 21:09:38 156KB pytorch segmentation unet 附件源码
京微齐力 H1D03 Data_Sheet
2021-05-27 19:00:12 1.98MB 京微齐力H1D03Data_
Family Pack是一个多平台族谱程序,带有一个新的基于证据的数据库。 计划了所有标准家谱程序功能以及一些新的和新颖的功能。
2021-05-14 15:03:46 2.04MB 开源软件
2021-05-13 14:24:54 8KB protege owl