计算机科学导论课件:Software Engineering.ppt
2022-06-14 14:00:18 244KB 计算机 互联网 文档
Advanced-Engineering-Mathematics-10th-Edition ERWIN KREYSZIG
2022-06-10 14:30:13 21.48MB Engineering Mathematics
软件工程英文教学课件:Ch1 Software & Software Engineering.ppt
2022-06-07 09:08:46 587KB 软件工程
下载人数非常多,我这也是帮别人写的,一定要改一改,不然被查重大家都不好过。 一共七个作业题目,主要考察c++面向对象,五个版本,vs2019写的,全部满分完美。 题目一:Int[] union_Array (int a[], int lenA, int b[], int lenB) 题目二:student 类及操作 题目三:student 类及操作(链表) 题目四:char *findC (char const *source, char const *obj): 题目五:Circle类 题目六:最小二乘法拟合 题目七:在线商品管理
2022-06-05 19:04:28 1.15MB c++
2015年新书,《Radio Systems Engineering:A Tutorial Approach》,Springer出品,其中还介绍了SystemVue的仿真实验。目录如下: 1 Introduction to Radio Systems; 2 Modulation and Detection; 3 Typical System Performance Parameters; 4 Radio Channel Fundamentals and Antennas; 5 Noise, Nonlinearity and Time Variance; 6 Sensitivity and Dynamic Range; 7 Transceiver Architectures; 8 Case Studies; 9 Tutorials;
2022-06-03 20:54:01 16.13MB Radio system system SystemVue
风筝盾 Linux上用于x86-64 ELF二进制文件的打包程序/保护程序。 Kiteshield用多层加密包装ELF二进制文件,然后将它们与加载程序代码一起注入,这些加载程序代码完全在用户空间中解密,映射和执行打包的二进制文件。 基于ptrace的运行时引擎可确保在任何给定时间仅对当前调用堆栈中的函数进行解密,并且另外还实现了多种反调试技术,以使打包的二进制文件尽可能难以逆向工程。 有关Kiteshield工作原理的鸟瞰图,请参见下面的“和部分。 Kiteshield旨在成为二进制混淆中的有趣的学术练习,而不是在给定源代码及其工作原理的情况下可以在现实世界中使用的东西。 以11世纪诺曼人偏爱命名(或者:“风筝盾牌”在Old School Runescape中非常流行)。 建筑风筝盾 Kiteshield需要使用来对打包程序中的指令进行解码。 它作为packer/bddisasm的子
2022-05-31 03:17:00 42KB linux obfuscation packer reverse-engineering
下载人数非常多,我这也是帮别人写的,一定要改一改,不然被查重大家都不好过。 一共七个作业题目,主要考察c++面向对象,五个版本,vs2019写的,全部满分完美。 题目一:Int[] union_Array (int a[], int lenA, int b[], int lenB) 题目二:student 类及操作 题目三:student 类及操作(链表) 题目四:char *findC (char const *source, char const *obj): 题目五:Circle类 题目六:最小二乘法拟合 题目七:在线商品管理
2022-05-30 14:03:44 1.14MB c++
现代控制系统工程 Modern Control Systems Engineering by Zoran Gajic
2022-05-25 08:10:46 18.17MB 控制系统 Modern Control Systems
2022-05-24 15:24:11 8.28MB matlab
The book consists chapters illustrating a wide range of areas where MATLAB tools are applied. Many interesting problems have been included throughout the book, and its contents will be beneficial for students and professionals in wide areas of interest. These areas include mathematics, physics, chemistry and chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, biological (molecular biology) and medical sciences, communication and control systems, digital signal, image and video processing, system modeling and simulation. Contents 1 Application of GATES and MATLAB for Resolution of Equilibrium, Metastable and Non-Equilibrium Electrolytic Systems 2 From Discrete to Continuous Gene Regulation Models – A Tutorial Using the Odefy Toolbox 3 Systematic Interpretation of High-Throughput Biological Data 4 Hysteresis Voltage Control of DVR Based on Unipolar PWM 5 Modeling & Simulation of Hysteresis Current Controlled Inverters Using MATLAB 6 84 Pulse Converter, Design and Simulations with Matlab 7 Available Transfer Capability Calculation 8 Multiuser Systems Implementations in Fading Environments 9 System-Level Simulations Investigating the System-on-Chip Implementation of 60-GHz Transceivers for Wireless Uncompressed HD Video Communications 10 Low-Noise, Low-Sensitivity Active-RC Allpole Filters Using MATLAB Optimization 11 On Design of CIC Decimators 12 Fractional Delay Digital Filters 13 On Fractional-Order PID Design 14 Design Methodology with System Generator in Simulink of a FHSS Transceiver on FPGA 15 Modeling and Control of Mechanical Systems in Simulink of Matlab 16 Generalized PI Control of Active Vehicle Suspension Systems with MATLAB 17 Control Laws Design and Validation of Autonomous Mobile Robot Off-Road Trajectory Tracking Based on ADAMS and MATLAB Co-Simulation Platform 18 A Virtual Tool for Computer Aided Analysis of Spur Gears with Asymmetric Teeth 19 The Use of Matlab in Advanced Design of Bonded and Welded Joints 20 ISPN: Modeling Stochastic with Input Uncertainties Using an Interval-Based Approach 21 Classifiers of Digital Modulation Based on the Algorithm of Fast Walsh-Hadamard Transform and Karhunen-Loeve Transform 22 Novel Variance Based Spatial Domain Watermarking and Its Comparison with DIMA and DCT Based Watermarking Counterparts 23 Quantitative Analysis of Iodine Thyroid and Gastrointestinal Tract Biokinetic Models Using MATLAB 24 Modelling and Simulation of pH Neutralization Plant Including the Process Instrumentation
2022-05-24 13:54:13 16.2MB MATLAB Science Engineering Applications