DDR4 SDRAM Registered DIMM Design Specification Revision 1.50 May 2019
2021-12-13 18:40:24 341KB DDR4  RDIMM
DDR4 SPD 详细定义,目前百度都很难搜索的到。
2021-12-08 15:19:06 273KB DDR4 SPD serial presence
DDR4 module datasheet The new generation of high-performance, power-efficient memory that delivers great reliability for enterprise applications
2021-12-08 15:17:58 1015KB DRAM
The DDR4 SDRAM is a high-speed dynamic random-access memory internally configured as sixteen-banks, 4 bank group with 4 banks for each bank group for x4/x8 and eight-banks, 2 bank group with 4 banks for each bankgroup for x16 DRAM. The DDR4 SDRAM uses a 8n prefetch architecture to achieve high-speed operation. The 8n prefetch architecture is combined with an interface designed to transfer two data words per clock cycle at the I/O pins. A single read or write operation for the DDR4 SDRAM consists of a single 8n-bit wide, four clock data transfer at the internal DRAM core and eight corresponding n-bit wide, one-half clock cycle data transfers at the I/O pins. Read and write operation to the DDR4 SDRAM are burst oriented, start at a selected location, and continue for a burst length of eight or a ‘chopped’ burst of four in a programmed sequence. Operation begins with the registration of an ACTIVATE Command, which is then followed by a Read or Write command. The address bits registered coincident with the ACTIVATE Command are used to select the bank and row to be activated (BG0-BG1 in x4/8 and BG0 in x16 select the bankgroup; BA0-BA1 select the bank; A0-A17 select the row; refer to “DDR4 SDRAM Addressing” on datasheet). The address bits registered coincident with the Read or Write command are used to select the starting column location for the burst operation, determine if the auto precharge command is to be issued (via A10), and select BC4 or BL8 mode ‘on the fly’ (via A12) if enabled in the mode register. Prior to normal operation, the DDR4 SDRAM must be powered up and initialized in a predefined manner. The following sections provide detailed information covering device reset and initialization, register definition, command descriptions, and device operation.
2021-12-08 15:12:00 5.93MB datasheet
DDR4 SDRAM Unbuffered DIMM Design Specification, DDR4台式机内存条Jedec标准设计规范
2021-12-01 15:20:41 381KB DDR4 unbuffered SDRAM Dram
此文档对于JESD标准DDR3做英文解读,轻松理解DDR3标准。 此文档为"JESD79-3 DDR3解读"纯正英文版。 问题举例: ** 你真的理解SDRAM的S吗? ** 为什么Write一般是Center Aligned, Read是Edge Aligned? ** BC4有啥用? ** 为什么会有Dynamic ODT? ** BIOS是如何识别DIMM是DDR3或者DDR4的? ** XMP是什么? ** 为什么有Write Leveling? ** 有人会问,有Read Leveling吗? ** Prefetch的作用 ** Dram Size和Page Size如何计算? ** 为什么有MRS,没有MRR? ...... ** 行业标准: 作者有数年spec经验, 熟悉JEDEC标准建立的过程. ** 专业: 数年dram问题debug,spec解读专业到位。 ** 咨询: 承诺文档解读有疑问,可以免费每天3个问题的解答。 ** 退款: 作者承诺如果对于文档解读不满意,可线下联系作者申请退款,作者就有这样的自信敢承诺! 如对内容质量有疑问,可提前私信咨询。
2021-11-21 15:00:30 7.79MB DDR3 DDR4 DDR5 LPDDR3
此文档对于JESD标准DDR4和DDR3做中文解读,轻松理解DDR4/DDR3标准。 问题举例: ** 你真的理解SDRAM的S吗? ** 为什么Write一般是Center Aligned, Read是Edge Aligned? ** DDR4为什么没有Vref DQ? ** Mode Register可读了? ** 最大省电模式(Maximum Power Down Mode) ** 为什么服务器很关心ECC? ** DBI是如何省电的? ** 有人会问,有Read Leveling吗? ** Prefetch的作用 ** Dram Size和Page Size如何计算? ** 为什么有MRS,没有MRR? ** DDR4 POD12的起源 ...... ** 行业标准: 作者有数年Spec经验, 熟悉JEDEC标准建立的过程. ** 专业: 数年Dram问题Debug,Spec解读专业到位。 ** 咨询: 承诺文档解读有疑问,可以免费每天3个问题的解答。 ** 退款: 作者承诺如果对于文档解读不满意,可线下联系作者申请退款,作者就有这样的自信敢承诺! 如对内容质量有疑问,可提前私信咨询。
2021-11-21 15:00:30 16.67MB DDR4 DDR3 LPDDR4 DRAM
此文档对于JESD标准DDR5/DDR4/DDR3做中文解读,轻松理解DDR5/4/3标准。 问题举例: ** DDR5设计目标 ** 为什么Write一般是Center Aligned, Read是Edge Aligned? ** DDR5 Sub Channel设计的优势 ** DDR4 DIMM vs DDR5 DIMM ** 为什么服务器很关心ECC? ** DBI是如何省电的? ** 有Read Leveling吗? ** Prefetch从8到16的意义 ** Dram Size和Page Size如何计算? ...... ** 行业标准: 作者有数年Spec经验, 熟悉JEDEC标准建立的过程. ** 专业: 数年Dram问题Debug,Spec解读专业到位。 ** 咨询: 承诺文档解读有疑问,可以免费每天3个问题的解答。 ** 退款: 作者承诺如果对于文档解读不满意,可线下联系作者申请退款,作者就有这样的自信敢承诺! 如对内容质量有疑问,可提前私信咨询。
2021-11-21 15:00:29 20.56MB DDR5 DDR4 LPDDR5 LPDDR4
2021-11-18 09:04:18 3.68MB 硬件设计 DDR4
美光DDR4 16GB芯片手册 ddr4_16gb_1_2v_twindie_x4x8.pdf
2021-11-15 17:13:33 461KB DDR4  美光 16G 芯片手册