2021-04-18 20:26:19 1.30MB snortrules
在anaconda 安装pytorch的时候报错: PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels: 原因是因为我将安装源设置为清华镜像,而在2019年4月份anaconda的清华镜像不能用了:    所以我们需要手动下载whl文件:可以从下面的文章中直接下载,也可以去pytorch官网下载。 下载完成后,在conda里执行: pip install
2021-04-01 16:17:13 97KB ab anaconda ar
准确快速地识别缺陷对于使用涡流(EC)非破坏性测试对在役设备的结构完整性和健康状况进行监控至关重要。 本文介绍了一种新颖的无模型方法,该方法包括三个主要模块:信号预处理模块,分类器模块和优化模块。 在信号预处理模块中,提出了一种两级差分结构,以抑制可能污染EC信号的提离波动。 在分类器模块中,基于一对多策略的多类支持向量机(SVM)具有良好的准确性。 在优化模块中,通过改进的粒子群算法(IPSO)获得分类器的最优参数。 提出的IPSO技术可以通过以下策略提高主PSO的收敛性能:惯性权重的非线性处理,黑洞的引入以及具有极端扰动的模拟退火模型。 通过将其他样本添加到测试集中,已经验证了IPSO-SVM模型的良好泛化能力。 实验表明,该算法比其他著名的分类器具有更高的识别精度和效率,并且训练集少,优点更加明显,有利于在线应用。
2021-03-10 09:09:46 1.25MB eddy current; non-destructive testing;
A novel diode-clamped carrier stored trench bipolar transistor (CSTBT) with improved performances is proposed. The improvement has been achieved by introducing a P-layer region under the trench gate, which is connected to the cathode electrode through two integrated series diodes. In the blocking-state, almost all of the reverse voltage is sustained by Player/N-drift junction, which makes the doping concentration of the carrier stored layer is independent of the breakdown voltage,thus overcoming
2021-02-07 20:05:23 337KB Carrier Stored Trench Bipolar
In this letter, a p-channel lateral doublediffused MOSFET (p-LDMOS) with double electron paths used to enhance the current capability is proposed. The proposed p-LDMOS has two n-channels that are controlled by an auto-generated voltage signal (VGn). The voltage signal VGn is generated during the ON and OFF states of the hole current that flows across an integrated resistor (Rp) implemented in the P-base region. Thus, the current capability of the p-LDMOS can be significantly enhanced by the intr
2021-02-07 20:05:19 1.41MB p-LDMOS current capability autocontrolled
A new concept high-voltage pseudo-pchannel lateral double-diffused MOS (p-LDMOS) with multiple current paths for conduction is proposed and investigated in this paper. The proposed power device consists of two hole current paths (p-channel MOS device) and one electron current path (n-channel MOS dev
2021-02-07 20:05:15 640KB Current paths pseudo-p-channel lateral
Alternating Current motors.docx
2021-01-31 14:06:03 19KB 机电一体化专业英语
2019-12-21 20:50:40 36KB MATLAB DC-DC converter current