CVX matlab工具箱配套用户手册, CVX是斯坦福的教授Stephen P. Bold等人开发的一个基于Matlab的凸优化工具包,能够解决线性规划,二次规划,整数规划(需要授权)等优化问题,用户手册和Stephen P. Bold的CVX课程相匹配,有各种问题对应的MATLAB代码格式,有凸优化学习有所帮助。
2021-12-17 14:03:21 405KB CVX Matlab代码 Convex
2021-12-14 15:01:06 1.94MB 数学
2021-12-09 13:22:59 5.33MB 凸优化
在二元数字通信系统中,假设为H1时,信源输出为常值正电压A,假设为H0时,信源输出为零电平;信号在通信信道传输过程中叠加了高斯噪声n(t),每种信号的持续时间为(0,T),在接收端对接收到的信号x(1)在(0,T)时间内进行了N次独立采样,样本为xk (k=1,2,···,N)。已知噪声样本nk是均值为零方差为的高斯噪声。
2021-12-06 17:18:26 836KB 课件
埃及的牛人写的.. Imagine that you have a piece of wood and a number of metal pins come out from it randomly (as in the above image), and you picked up an elastic rubber band and open it wide with your hand to contain all the metal pins and let it go. You will observe t hat the elastic rubber band will shrink and snap around the metal pins (only the outer metal pins). These outer segments of the elastic band form the convex hull.
2021-12-01 15:49:13 79KB convex hull
经典的convex optimization书+课件资料,值得收藏,是学习优化的入门资料之一。
2021-11-29 10:05:02 6.91MB optimization
埃及的牛人写的.. Imagine that you have a piece of wood and a number of metal pins come out from it randomly (as in the above image), and you picked up an elastic rubber band and open it wide with your hand to contain all the metal pins and let it go. You will observe that the elastic rubber band will shrink and snap around the metal pins (only the outer metal pins). These outer segments of the elastic band form the convex hull.
2021-11-26 10:37:03 23KB 凸包 convex hull
The lens principle is demonstrated in two versions, so as to change people's way of thinking through this example. 分两种版本进行透镜原理演示,从而通过这个例子改变人们的思考方式。
2021-11-17 17:23:08 1.78MB 透镜 成像
2021-11-13 13:59:29 246KB 凸集
Optimization problems arise naturally in many application fields. Whatever people do, at some point they get a craving to organize things in a best possible way. This intention, converted in a mathematical form, turns out to be an optimization problem of certain type. Depending on the field of interest, it could be the optimal design problem, the optimal control problem, the optimal location problem or even the optimal diet problem.
2021-11-10 10:37:43 909KB Convex Programming