This comprehensive book provides detailed materials for both novice and experienced programmers using all BeagleBone variants which host a powerful 32-bit, super-scalar TI Sitara ARM Cortex A8 processor. Authored by Steven F. Barrett and Jason Kridner, a seasoned ECE educator along with the founder of, respectively, the work may be used in a wide variety of projects from science fair projects to university courses and senior design projects to first prototypes of very complex systems. Beginners may access the power of the "Bone" through the user-friendly Bonescript examples. Seasoned users may take full advantage of the Bone's power using the underlying Linux-based operating system, a host of feature extension boards (Capes) and a wide variety of Linux community open source libraries. The book contains background theory on system operation coupled with many well-documented, illustrative examples. Examples for novice users are centered on motivational, fun robot projects while advanced projects follow the theme of assistive technology and image processing applications. Key Features: Provides detailed examples for all BeagleBone variants, including the newest "next generation" BeagleBone Black BeagleBone is a low cost, open hardware, expandable computer first introduced in november 2011 by beagleboard BeagleBone variants, including the original BeagleBone and the new beaglebone black, hosts a powerful 32-bit, super-scalar arM Cortex A8 processor BeagleBone is small enough to fit in a small mint tin box "Bone" may be used in a wide variety of projects from middle school science fair projects to university courses and senior design projects to first prototypes of very complex systems Novice users may access the power of the bone through the user-friendly bonescript environment Seasoned users may take full advantage of the Bone's power using the underlying Linux-based operating system A host of feature extension boards (Capes) and a wide variety of Linu
2021-11-21 19:03:48 12.59MB BeagleBone Black
Black-Box Explanation of Object Detectors via Saliency Maps 通过显着图对目标检测器的黑盒解释
2021-11-17 09:02:13 2.96MB
黑色星期五销售分析和预测 黑色星期五销售数据集上的数据分析小组项目。
2021-11-10 13:45:17 19.16MB JupyterNotebook
改善投资组合 Betterment采用基于Black-Litterman(BL)的方法进行投资组合优化。 我想专注于更好地理解将BL投资组合优化应用于Betterment投资组合中的特定ETF的好处。 您可以在此存储库中找到我的R代码和分析结果。 请注意,这项工作仍在进行中。 getDataETF.R:使用quantmod包从Yahoo Finance中提取所需的ETF数据,并将调整后的平仓收益存储在returnData.RData中(收益按每日和每月的频率计算) allFunctions.R:由所有其他R脚本提供的所有必需的自定义函数都可以在此处找到。 portBacktestingQU.R:这是大多数操作发生的地方。 您可以在此处找到用于投资组合回测,多元化分析和绩效分析的代码。 portBacktestingMaxStarr.R:请忽略。 此R脚本中的投资组合回测与Black
2021-11-09 16:30:21 1.51MB R
Black.Hat.Python.Python.Programming.for.Hackers.pdf python hacker programming
2021-10-30 11:56:51 3.02MB python hackers
Python hacker. Those are two words you really could use to describe me. At Immunity, I am lucky enough to work with people who actually, really, know how to code Python. I am not one of those people. I spend a great deal of my time penetration testing, and that requires rapid Python tool development, with a focus on execution and delivering results (not necessarily on prettiness, optimization, or even stability). Throughout this book you will learn that this is how I code, but I also feel as though it is part of what makes me a strong pentester. I hope that this philosophy and style helps you as well. As you progress through the book, you will also realize that I don’t take deep dives on any single topic. This is by design. I want to give you the bare minimum, with a little flavor, so that you have some foundational knowl- edge. With that in mind, I’ve sprinkled ideas and homework assignments throughout the book to kickstart you in your own direction. I encourage you to explore these ideas, and I would love to hear back any of your own implementations, tooling, or homework assignments that you have done. xviii Preface As with any technical book, readers at different skill levels with Python (or information security in general) will experience this book differently. Some of you may simply grab it and nab chapters that are pertinent to a consulting gig you are on, while others may read it cover to cover. I would recommend that if you are a novice to intermediate Python programmer that you start at the beginning of the book and read it straight through in order. You will pick up some good building blocks along the way. To start, I lay down some networking fundamentals in Chapter 2 and slowly work our way through raw sockets in Chapter 3 and using Scapy in Chapter 4 for some more interesting network tooling. The next section of the book deals with hacking web applications, starting with your own custom tooling in Chapter 5 and then extending the popular Burp Suite in Ch
2021-10-30 11:53:54 10.08MB hacker python black_hat
凌力尔特模拟电路设计手册 【分卷2】(英文版)- 应用及解决方案指南丛书,Analog Circuit Design Volume 2 - Immersion in the Black Art of Analog Design 2013 Edited by Bob Dobkin Jim Wil
2021-10-06 14:41:05 99.35MB 凌力尔特 模拟电路 模电 设计手册
量化资产管理公司长期以来一直在为是构建投资组合优化模型还是购买现成的软件包的决定而苦苦挣扎。 为了满足不断变化的投资和风险管理需求,投资组合管理团队正在努力构建透明、易于采用且易于扩展的强大的投资组合管理解决方案。 在 MathWorks,我们与许多投资组合管理团队合作,他们采用 MATLAB 和相关工具箱来构建投资组合管理系统。 这些群体喜欢在透明、健壮和可定制的环境中构建和扩展模型的灵活性。 他们还喜欢在投资决策过程中使用这些模型之前,以最少的努力尝试新的研究想法的能力。 在本文中,我们将讨论 MATLAB 和金融工具箱中提供的各种投资组合优化函数。 特别是,我们将关注构建投资组合的新的面向对象方法,并讨论这种架构如何轻松构建和扩展应用程序。 我们将讨论 MATLAB 中 Portfolio 对象的面向对象实现,然后通过案例研究演示 Black-Litterman 优化方法的示例实现。
2021-09-27 11:05:56 828KB matlab
uart_rtdm 这是Beagle Bone Black(皮质A8)中用于UART控制器的Xenomai RTDM驱动程序。 对于UART通信,此驱动程序非常少。 这里需要进行很多设置。 我会尽快记录 谢谢
2021-09-24 15:42:02 12KB C
一系列学习BeagleBone Black的心得。这是我根据网上的资料,以及很多相关书籍总结得来的,如果有兴趣一起学习嵌入式的话,欢迎互相交流。
2021-09-15 17:11:56 8.15MB UVC BeagleBone Black USB摄像头