大数据是当今全世界都在谈论的词。 数据量日复一日地从千字节增加到 Zettabytes,数据可能是连续或频繁的实时流的速度,以及来自不同来源的不同格式(结构化、非结构化和非结构化)的各种数据。半结构化)。 所有这些类型的数据都将被合并、存储、处理和分析以备将来的结果。 大数据分析因其降低成本、更快和更好的决策而广受欢迎。 由于其特定功能,它被用于医疗保健、教育、制造、银行、保险、运输、媒体和娱乐等众多应用中。医疗保健领域的数据正在Swift增长,预计近年来会显着增加。 在当今的数字世界中,必须将数据数字化。 为了通过最小化成本来提高医疗质量,必须有效地处理和分析不同类型的健康数据,如电子健康记录、基因组、行为和公共卫生,以应对新的挑战。 出于这个原因,医疗领域被考虑用于大数据分析。 本文介绍了用于处理医疗保健记录的预测性、规范性、描述性和诊断性分析类型。 要执行所有这些操作,Hadoop 是最佳选择。 Hadoop 是 Hadoop 分布式文件系统 (HDFS) 和 MapReduce 的组合。 Hadoop以其存储容量大、处理速度快、成本低、使用集群在分布式环境中工作的模型简单高效而广为人知。 因此,了解 Hadoop 的技术细节变得至关重要。 这一事实激发了深入探索 Hadoop 及其组件的灵感。 MapReduce 结果有助于预测流行病、治愈疾病、提高生活质量并防止死亡。
2022-08-24 16:26:47 488KB Big Data Analytics
elasticsearch-analysis-pinyin-7.4.0 es拼音分词器7.4.0
2022-08-22 09:27:16 7.69MB elasticsearch 大数据 big data
macOS Big Sur 11.6.6 (20G608) With OpenCore 0.8.0 and Clover 514
2022-08-21 14:00:39 285B macOSBigSur11 黑苹果 macos
big data hive spark
2022-08-17 14:05:37 31.58MB spark hive hdfs
2022-08-08 19:23:57 30.15MB big data 大数据
This book highlights state-of-the-art research on big data and the Internet of Things (IoT), along with related areas to ensure efficient and Internet-compatible IoT systems. It not only discusses big data security and privacy challenges, but also energy-efficient approaches to improving virtual machine placement in cloud computing environments. Big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) are ultimately two sides of the same coin, yet extracting, analyzing and managing IoT data poses a serious challenge. Accordingly, proper analytics infrastructures/platforms should be used to analyze IoT data. Information technology (IT) allows people to upload, retrieve, store and collect information, which ultimately forms big data. The use of big data analytics has grown tremendously in just the past few years. At the same time, the IoT has entered the public consciousness, sparking people’s imaginations as to what a fully connected world can offer. Further, the book discusses the analysis of real-time big data to derive actionable intelligence in enterprise applications in several domains, such as in industry and agriculture. It explores possible automated solutions in daily life, including structures for smart cities and automated home systems based on IoT technology, as well as health care systems that manage large amounts of data (big data) to improve clinical decisions. The book addresses the security and privacy of the IoT and big data technologies, while also revealing the impact of IoT technologies on several scenarios in smart cities design. Intended as a comprehensive introduction, it offers in-depth analysis and provides scientists, engineers and professionals the latest techniques, frameworks and strategies used in IoT and big data technologies. . Read more... Abstract: This book highlights state-of-the-art research on big data and the Internet of Things (IoT), along with related areas to ensure efficient and Internet-compatible IoT systems. It not only discusses big data security and privacy challenges, but also energy-efficient approaches to improving virtual machine placement in cloud computing environments. Big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) are ultimately two sides of the same coin, yet extracting, analyzing and managing IoT data poses a serious challenge. Accordingly, proper analytics infrastructures/platforms should be used to analyze IoT data. Information technology (IT) allows people to upload, retrieve, store and collect information, which ultimately forms big data. The use of big data analytics has grown tremendously in just the past few years. At the same time, the IoT has entered the public consciousness, sparking people’s imaginations as to what a fully connected world can offer. Further, the book discusses the analysis of real-time big data to derive actionable intelligence in enterprise applications in several domains, such as in industry and agriculture. It explores possible automated solutions in daily life, including structures for smart cities and automated home systems based on IoT technology, as well as health care systems that manage large amounts of data (big data) to improve clinical decisions. The book addresses the security and privacy of the IoT and big data technologies, while also revealing the impact of IoT technologies on several scenarios in smart cities design. Intended as a comprehensive introduction, it offers in-depth analysis and provides scientists, engineers and professionals the latest techniques, frameworks and strategies used in IoT and big data technologies.
2022-08-07 15:37:29 15.37MB 大数据
Seer: Leveraging Big Data to Navigate the Complexityof Performance Debugging in
2022-08-04 14:00:16 2.23MB big data
什么是喷气机 是一个开源的,内存中的,分布式批处理和流处理引擎。 您可以使用它来处理大量的实时事件或大量的静态数据集。 为了提供一种规模感,Jet的单个节点已被证明可而延迟小于10毫秒。 它提供了Java API,可通过使用来构建流和批处理应用。 将应用程序部署到Jet群集后,Jet将自动使用群集上的所有计算资源来运行您的应用程序。 如果在应用程序运行时将更多节点添加到群集,Jet会自动扩展应用程序以在新节点上运行。 如果您从群集中删除节点,它将无缝地对其进行缩减,而不会丢失当前的计算状态,从而提供保证。 例如,您可以表示经典的单词计数问题,该问题使用以下API读取一些本地文件并将每个单
2022-07-26 10:32:06 65.6MB java kafka big-data stream-processing
数字乡村大数据可视化平台建设方案 智慧乡村 美丽乡村 智慧农村
2022-07-15 12:24:55 18.22MB 文档资料 big data 大数据
2022-07-08 17:20:51 38.33MB 物联网 运维 数据分析 big