Paper - Automatic Multispeaker Voice Cloning
2021-10-18 17:12:14 2.54MB Voice
2021-10-06 16:41:50 568KB PID AT
Trajectory Planning for Automatic Machines and Robots Springer(1).pdf 电子书
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全英文版的自动控制理论,第9版。因为受单次上传大小的限制,所以分成3个部分,还请见谅。此为第二部分。 本电子资源仅供业内参考,如有需要还请尊重版权,购买正版书籍。 简介: Automatic Control Systems provides engineers with a fresh new controls book that places special emphasis on mechatronics. It follows a revolutionary approach by actually including a physical lab. In addition, readers will find authoritative coverage of modern design tools and examples. Current mechatronics applications build motivation to learn the material. Extensive use of virtual lab software is also integrated throughout the chapters. Engineers will gain a strong understand of control systems with the help of modern examples and exercises. Amazon原价$208 淘宝5元卖的那种,可以下载了打印
2021-09-19 11:03:30 43.4MB 自动控制理论 教材 英文 benjamin
全英文版的自动控制理论,第9版。因为受单次上传大小的限制,所以分成3个部分,还请见谅。此为第一部分。 本电子资源仅供业内参考,如有需要还请尊重版权,购买正版书籍。 简介: Automatic Control Systems provides engineers with a fresh new controls book that places special emphasis on mechatronics. It follows a revolutionary approach by actually including a physical lab. In addition, readers will find authoritative coverage of modern design tools and examples. Current mechatronics applications build motivation to learn the material. Extensive use of virtual lab software is also integrated throughout the chapters. Engineers will gain a strong understand of control systems with the help of modern examples and exercises. Amazon原价$208 淘宝5元卖的那种,可以下载了打印
2021-09-19 10:00:31 52.78MB 自动控制理论 英文 教材 Benjamin
控制工具箱 这是Control Toolbox,这是一个有效的C ++库,用于机器人技术中的控制,估计,优化和运动计划。 链接至Wiki, 在找到详细的文档。 总览 这是ADRL控制工具箱('CT'),这是一个开放源代码的C ++库,可用于高效建模,控制,估计,轨迹优化和模型预测控制。 CT适用于各种动态系统,但具有专门为机器人设计的其他建模工具。 该页面概述了其一般概念,主要构成部分并重点介绍了选定的应用示例。 该库包含多种工具,用于设计和评估控制器,对动态系统进行建模并解决最佳控制问题。 CT的设计考虑了以下特征: 系统与动力学: 由常微分或差分方程控制的系统的直观建模。 轨迹
PID参数整定的经典文献,讲述工程应用中PID参数设定的具体实现方法。By J.G. ZIEGLER1 and N. B. NICHOLS2 • ROCHESTER, N. Y.
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外文文献,An automatic modulation recognition algorithm for spectrum monitoring applications
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2021-09-03 22:26:21 15.28MB 轨迹规划 机器人
Appium_Automatic_Java 使用PO设计模式编写Android自动化框架,将数据与测试用例分离
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