作者在书中提出“全面成功才是真正成功”的新思想。书中列举了达到“全面成功”的七大准则,而其中的本质就是人类“从依赖到独立,又从独立到互赖”的心灵成长历程。这本书告诉我们,走向全面成功需要具备怎样的信念(或基础)。诸如: 亟须重新探索自我,培养从依赖、独立到互赖的人际关系。 光是事业成功只能算是成功了一半,惟有兼顾事业、家庭、人际关系、个人成长等人生其他层面的圆融和谐,才是真正的成功。  书中的好多原则,与在中国国内目前如火如茶的“卡耐基训练”的某些原则正相吻合。例如: 不该为他人的想法或喜好而活。 人与人之间应该尊重彼此的不同点。 人际关系不是摆布他人的花招。人与人相处可以是对二人皆有益处的状况,也就是双赢(win—win),而非输赢的关系。 应从他人的角度来了解事情原委(这一点写得最精采),愈有自信的人愈承认与尊重他人的存在。 人是习惯性的动物。人都想有所改进,也就是跟以前不一样。由于习惯的牵制,有时实在非常困难。然而,只要坚持原则,采取行动(了解与同意还不够),一定可以改变。  要想成为一个高效能的成功人士,柯维认为:这是一个循序渐进的过程,必须对自身进行全方位的重塑。他强调,只有养成职业上的七种习惯,才能实现本质的改变。这“七种习惯”就是:
2022-12-04 15:37:36 122KB 效能 习惯
Akka Cookbook 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2022-11-30 09:29:18 1.28MB Akka Cookbook
Hands-On Computer Vision with Julia is a thorough guide for developers who want to get started with building computer vision applications using Julia. Julia is well suited to image processing because it's easy to use and lets you write easy-to-compile and efficient machine code. This book begins by introducing you to Julia's image processing libraries such as Images.jl and ImageCore.jl. You'll get to grips with analyzing and transforming images using JuliaImages; some of the techniques discussed include enhancing and adjusting images. As you make your way through the chapters, you'll learn how to classify images, cluster them, and apply neural networks to solve computer vision problems. In the concluding chapters, you will explore OpenCV applications to perform real-time computer vision analysis, for example, face detection and object tracking. You will also understand Julia's interaction with Tesseract to perform optical character recognition and build an application that brings together all the techniques we introduced previously to consolidate the concepts learned. By end of the book, you will have understood how to utilize various Julia packages and a few open source libraries such as Tesseract and OpenCV to solve computer vision problems with ease. What you will learn Analyze image metadata and identify critical data using JuliaImages Apply filters and improve image quality and color schemes Extract 2D features for image comparison using JuliaFeatures Cluster and classify images with KNN/SVM machine learning algorithms Recognize text in an image using the Tesseract library Use OpenCV to recognize specific objects or faces in images and videos Build neural network and classify images with MXNet Who This Book Is For Hands-On Computer Vision with Julia is for Julia developers who are interested in learning how to perform image processing and want to explore the field of computer vision. Basic knowledge of Julia will help you understand the concepts more effectively.
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C++ Primer(5e,Addison Wesley,201208).epub 这是老外网站上刚泄露出来的正式版本(绝对的正式版,还有ISBN和出版日期),不是以前网上出现过的草稿 这本书的上一版(第4版)还是2005年的事了 拖了很多年之后,去年(2011年)C++委员会终于一致通过了新的C++标准,简称C++ 11. 我上传的这本书就是基于最新C++ 11标准的,讲解非常细致,作者也是大牛: Stanley B. Lippman Josée Lajoie Barbara E. Moo 不用我介绍,大家赶快下载吧!
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C Clearly Programming C in Linux and on Raspberry Pi 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
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