This book presents an introduction to programming interactive computer graphics, with an emphasis on game development, using Direct3D 10. It teaches the fundamentals of Direct3D and shader programming, after which the reader will be prepared to go on and learn more advanced techniques. The book is divided into three main parts. Part I explains the mathematical tools that will be used throughout this book. Part II shows how to implement fundamental tasks in Direct3D, such as initialization, defining 3D geometry, setting up cameras, creating vertex, pixel, and geometry shaders, lighting, texturing, blending, and stenciling. Part III is largely about applying Direct3D to implement a variety of interesting techniques and special effects, such as working with meshes, terrain rendering, picking, particle systems, environment mapping, normal mapping, shadows, and rendering to textures.
2019-12-21 19:51:02 6.65MB DirectX10.0
3D Game Engine Design - A Practical Approach To Real-Time Computer Graphics
2019-12-21 18:58:55 69.57MB Graphics
Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 by Frank Luna源代码, 使用前请配置好环境,如有侵权请联系。
2019-12-21 18:57:51 50.36MB Introduction frank luna directx12
本书介绍了开发专业三维图形引擎所需的数学方法,书中介绍的关于游戏开发方面的许多知识同样适用于与三维计算机图形学相关的应用。本书首先介绍了相当基础的知识,如向量几何和线性代数,然后继续介绍一些计算机游戏设计中的高级知识,如光照和可视性判断。另外,本书还给出了一些重要结论的推导过程,以便于不具备相应理论基础的读者理解相关内容。   本书要求读者已具备三角学及计算机方法方面的基础知识,不过,本书仍然在一些章节中概括介绍了这些知识中的一些重要工具,如三角恒等式、微分方程和泰勒级数等。本书对于游戏设计者及相应的编程人员来说,是一本不可多得的参考资料。
2019-12-21 18:50:07 22.82MB 3d 数学 游戏