再上传本人收藏的微机磁盘操作系统,不过,仅上传与 MS-DOS 有关的系统,如:微机磁盘操作系统未出现以前的系统 PC ROM BASIC;MS-DOS 的前身 CP/M;MS-DOS 前身 CP/M 的后续版本 DR-DOS;MS-DOS 变身的 PC-DOS 等。07号是 PC(MS)-DOS 2.00 操作系统 + PCE 0.2.2。
2020-12-27 14:40:58 628KB DOS PC-DOS MS-DOS 操作系统
OPC Core Components 2.00 SDK 2.30.msi,从OPC基金会下载的
2020-01-03 11:42:16 879KB OPC SDK
The Advanced Inspector gives you full control over how items are displayed, named, colored or even created, directly from attributes. It streamlines the Inspector, putting right-clickable contextual labels for each fields. It gives unprecedented options, like the ability to copy/paste values! How the Inspector handles and drawn item have been rewritten from scratch. * 25 Attributes to fully control your class look and behaviour * Watch and Save values at runtime * Sortable list and array * Copy/Paste per field! * Apply/Revert per field! * Dictionaries and Ranges * Groups, Toolbars, Tabs and Previews! * Add custom label, tooltip, color, and even URL to an help page online! * Runtime attributes, gives your class dynamism * Control what comes in and what comes out with properties * Add buttons to invoke your functions with a click * Subcomponents; unleash the power of composition * Place an Inspector in your own EditorWindow * Unlimited depth and inline edition
2020-01-03 11:32:34 10.07MB Advanced Ins Advanced Ins
SD Specifications Part E1 SDIO Specification Version 2.00 January 30, 2007
2019-12-21 21:18:10 733KB SDIO Version 2.00
OPC 开发com组件报错,解决所需的组件,希望对大家有用
2019-12-21 20:03:23 1.03MB OPC Core
2019-12-21 19:40:19 882KB OPC Core Components
OPC Core Components 2.00 Redistributable 2.30.msi
2019-12-21 19:24:54 548KB opc
包括: SD Specifications Part1 Simplified_Physical_Layer_Spec.pdf SD Specifications Part2 File System Specification.pdf SD Specifications Part3 Security Specification.pdf Simplified_SD_Host_Controller_Spec.pdf Simplified_SDIO_Card_Spec.pdf Simplified_SDIO_Card_Type_A_Spec_for_Bluetooth.pdf
2009-12-23 00:00:00 2.13MB SD SD卡 规范 Specification