用于SQL解析和格式化。 General SQL Parser adds powerful sql processing capability to your program, including sql syntax check, beautify complex sql code with lots of customizable format options, identify various database objects such as table, column, constraints in sql scripts, modify and rebuild sql on the fly, translate sql expression into a binary expression tree that ready for your further processing such as creating filter, and you take full control of sql with detailed parse tree of the whole input sql. General SQL Parser is designed to deal with SQL statement used by different Database Such as Oracle,DB2,Informix,Sybase,Postgres,MySQL and so on. And it conforms to most of the entry-level SQL99 Standard. "Need a pure SQL formatter component that can be embedded in your owner application,Here it is!" Features overview .NET, COM and VCL version, so it can be used in various development environment such as C#, VB .NET, VC++, VB, DELPHI, Free Pascal, Kylix Pretty print SQL statements with lots of configurable parameters, make it more readable. Identify various database objects such as table, field, relationship between field and table, function, procedure and trigger in sqls. Syntax check, give the error token, position and hint message. Create/modify different parts of sql, then build/rebuild on the fly. Internal SQL engine for different databases including MSSQL,Oracle, MySQL, DB2 and Access. Create different visitors to visit parse tree for any purpose with the full control of all tree nodes. Export parse tree to xml string for further processing. Generate a list of TCustomSqlStatement objects which represent the corresponding SQL statements that have been parsed. Parser can be instructed to ignore syntax error and continue. Continuously check multiple SQL Statements even if there are syntax errors in some of these statements. "Need a Java version of general sql parser? Sign up now to join the beta!"
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