Ext.net 控件,中文随机乱码,弹出授权窗口解决,官网代码编译,放心可用
2022-03-01 22:12:55 4.89MB Ext.Ne 随机乱码 Ext.ne
2022-02-17 14:08:05 539KB 云计算 H3C
Microsoft.Net 4.0.exe。
2022-01-13 16:30:39 48.11MB Microsoft.Ne
This book takes a pragmatic approach to deploying state-of-the-art optical networking equipment in metro-core and backbone networks. The book is oriented towards practical implementation of optical network design. Algorithms and methodologies related to routing, regeneration, wavelength assignment, sub rate-traffic grooming and protection are presented, with an emphasis on optical-bypass-enabled (or all-optical) networks. The author has emphasized the economics of optical networking, with a full chapter of economic studies that offer guidelines as to when and how optical-bypass technology should be deployed. This new edition contains: new chapter on dynamic optical networking and a new chapter on flexible/elastic optical networks. Expanded coverage of new physical-layer technology (e.g., coherent detection) and its impact on network design and enhanced coverage of ROADM architectures and properties, including colorless, directionless, contentionless and gridless. Covers ‘hot’ topics, such as Software Defined Networking and energy efficiency, algorithmic advancements and techniques, especially in the area of impairment-aware routing and wavelength assignment. Provides more illustrative examples of concepts are provided, using three reference networks (the topology files for the networks are provided on a web site, for further studies by the reader). Also exercises have been added at the end of the chapters to enhance the book’s utility as a course textbook.
2022-01-05 21:09:26 14.03MB photonics ne
ASP.NET在线考试系统需求分析,本人还上传了在线考试系统的详细设计以及在线考试系统的小论文。 目录 1 引言 3 1.1 编写目的 3 1.2 背景 3 2 系统概述 4 2.1 项目目标 4 2.2用户特点 4 3 需求规定 4 3.1功能模块 4 3.1.1 用户管理 4 3.1.2 角色管理 5 3.1.3部门管理 5 3.1.4系统维护 6 3.1.5题库管理 6 3.1.6试卷管理 6 3.1.7 成绩管理 7 3.1.8考试管理 7 3.1.9资料管理 7 3.2 性能规定 8 3.2.1精度 8 3.2.2时间特性要求 8 3.3 输入输出要求 8 3.4数据管理能力要求 10 3.5故障处理要求 10
2021-12-23 14:28:17 78KB ASP.NE 在线考试系统 需求分析 开发
2021-12-20 16:10:51 1.19MB ASP.NE KindEd 后台获取
完整的asp.net电子商务网站源码 包括电子商务网站所有基本功能 一、后台管理员系统要实现的功能:(一)商品的管理(如:产品的上下架等)(二)交易管理(如订单处理等):(三)信息管理:(产品的购买次数和浏览次数,企业介绍、新闻动态、产品展示等)(四)操作管理(如留言回复,投诉管理及一些文字说明公告的发布等)(五)会员管理(用户资料信息和积分等管理)(六)帐户管理(用户余额管理)(七)送货/配货/出货管理: 二、交易系统要实现的功能:(一)产品查询(二)购物车 三、用户系统:(一)注册/登录/游客(二)用户信息/密码的修改(三)商品的查询、购买(四)留言和评价(五)定单的处理(如:撤消/查询定
2021-12-17 09:56:21 7.57MB 完整的asp.ne 大专电子商务
2021-12-11 01:23:55 12.55MB ET   NE
《ASP.NET动态网站开发案例教程 第2版》电子教案李萍 书号:53371YISBN:978-7-111-53371-9作者:李萍印次:2-4责编:赵志鹏开本:16开
2021-12-10 15:18:43 13.54MB ASP.NE
2021-12-07 09:27:57 143KB 说明书