2021-12-27 23:24:26 1.22MB 天线
2021-12-24 00:31:12 6.07MB 雷达
2021-12-16 09:07:23 1.53MB 雷达
2021-12-16 09:07:23 1.76MB 信号处理 雷达
This lecture series gives comprehensive overview of the broad field of advanced radar systems, signal and data processing. The series starts with a lecture by U. Nickel in which the basic and fundamental of signal processing for phased array radar and their problems with grating lobes, ambiguities, and angle estimation for instance. The lecture “Advanced target tracking techniques” by W. Koch gives a short introduction to the principle of target tracking and several approaches are discussed for sequential track extraction and for phased-array radars. In the third lecture P. Berens gives an introduction to the synthetic aperture radar (SAR). T. Johnsen provides an overview of bi- and multistatic radar and their associated problems like synchronization, timing, and signal processing. The second lecture of U. Nickel focuses on the problem of adaptive array signal processing and provides the fundamental understanding for the next two lectures. The focus of these lectures, presented by W. Bürger, is on space-time adaptive processing. In his second lecture P. Berens continues with the topic of the synthetic aperture radar and expands the presented techniques to wideband SAR and multichannel SAR/MTI systems. W. Koch’s second paper focuses on sensor data and information fusion, which is essential to extract key-information for the final judgement using several sensors. In summery, this Lecture Series presents a unique overview of the state of the art of advanced radar and the associated signal and data processing research. It offers a variety of material for all those being involved in this scientific area, e.g. students, university teachers, researchers, industrial system designers, and military users.
介绍了一种弹载相控阵天线波束控制系统设计与实现技术, 采用主机集中运算方案,利用合理的总线分配和FPGA并行处理能力,实现了波控码并行计算与数据传输,仿真与测试结果表明,该系统能够满足弹载应用的实时性和稳定性。
2021-12-07 23:04:00 993KB 工程技术 论文
2021-12-02 09:00:17 1.23MB 超声波相控阵
由于全固态LiDAR内部没有任何宏观或微观上的运动部件,耐久性和可靠性的优势不言而喻,且顺应了自动驾驶对LiDAR固态化、小型化和低成本化的趋势,因此成为车用激光雷达的趋势。下面就按照不同的固态激光雷达技术做简单介绍。首先要介绍的是光学相控阵LiDAR。   1.光学相控阵LiDAR   激光雷达从机械转动向聚束成形的进化趋势与雷达完全相同:军事上广泛应用的相控阵雷达一般拥有上千个发射天线单元,通过调节波束合成的方式,可以改变雷达扫描的方向而不需要机械部件运转,灵活性很高,适合应对高机动目标,还可发射窄波束作为电子战天线。   对于激光雷达,为了完全取消机械结构,考虑通过调节发射阵列中每
基于STM32的超声相控阵导盲系统设计 。
2021-11-28 18:39:35 12.47MB STM32 超声
2021-11-27 16:22:52 12KB thinedarray 阵列天线 阵元 阵列方向图