图解Intellij IDEA 入门教程,简单看得见,轻轻松松成为java开发高手
2021-08-10 12:22:58 9.09MB java Intellij  IDEA 入门
STL源码剖析 中文繁体 侯捷 著 PDF格式 有书签目录 高清文字版 无水印 文字版 内容简介 · · · · · · 学习编程的人都知道,阅读、剖析名家代码乃是提高水平的捷径。源码之前,了无秘密。大师们的缜密思维、经验结晶、技术思路、独到风格,都原原本本体现在源码之中。 这本书所呈现的源码,使读者看到vector的实现、list的实现、heap的实现、deque的实现、Red Black tree的实现、hash table的实现、set/map的实现;看到各种算法(排序、查找、排列组合、数据移动与复制技术)的实现;甚至还能够看到底层的memory pool和高阶抽象的traits机制的实现。
2021-08-04 19:20:52 6MB C++
C语言深度解剖(完美高清文字版)我遇到过很多程序员和计算机系毕业的学生,也给很多程序员和计算机系毕业的学生讲 解过《高级 C 语言程序设计》。
2021-08-04 18:12:44 1.28MB C语言
2021-08-03 18:08:28 18.12MB css 权威指南 第3版 PDF文字版
Systems and enterprises (often referred to as systems-of-systems) that employ multiple advanced technologies and achieve ever-higher levels of complexity have become mainstays of the modern world. Managing the complexity of these systems, especially to create solutions to the needs of system users and other stakeholders within acceptable cost and schedule, is a recurring challenge to the Systems Engineering (SE) community. Spectacular progress in mechanical and electronic devices, materials, sensors, energy generation and control, vehicles and propulsion, communications and networking, computing and software, and many other fields creates both new capabilities and new demands for tools and methods to effectively exploit them. Communities as diverse as the sciences, commercial enterprises, education, government, academia, and the military frequently report that programs aimed at delivering new capabilities based on advanced technology have overrun their budgets and schedules, failed to meet their objectives, or simply overwhelmed the capabilities of system developers and users.
2021-07-29 17:56:04 12.76MB 模型驱动工程 高清文字版 书签
Find out everything you need to know to build powerful robots with the most up-to-date ROS
2021-07-23 18:11:21 15.64MB ROS 高清文字版 英文版
2021-07-23 15:31:10 3.4MB 非线性控制 非线性系统 Alberto Isid
本资源为part2. Part1请在本人上传资源中下载。本资料对于学习verilog HDL和ASIC设计具有非常重要的参考价值。
2021-07-05 21:15:19 36.88MB Verilog HDL ASIC设计 逻辑
本资料的权威性不必多说,非常经典,想了解的可以百度一下。另外本资料因为总文件太大,拆分成两个压缩文件Part1, Part2. 需要将两个分别下载后才能完整的解压缩。两部分都已上传。
2021-07-05 19:10:03 40MB Verilog HDL 逻辑 数字ASIC
2021-04-29 20:34:11 14.52MB 高性能MySQL 第3版 第三版 文字版