2024-02-26 16:50:45 884KB redis 主从复制 读写分离
新视野大学英语读写教程4原文及答案 新视野大学英语读写教程4原文及答案
2024-02-25 12:17:58 114KB 读写第四册课后习题答案
2024-02-24 22:34:42 865KB U盘卡顿 U盘读写 U盘速度慢 U盘有问题
使用verilog语言,通过FPGA控制AT24C02C EEPROM,硬件上需要注意,根据硬件连接芯片的A2 A1 A0 电平,编写Device Address字节内容,本设计使用的是A2=0,A1=0,A0=1; 由两个小模块和一个顶层模块组成: iic.v 是iic通讯子模块,可以实现特定地址的读写功能。一次读写一个字节。 iic_ctrl.v 是上层的应用子模块,主要是使用vio控制8个字节接口,使能后配置写入到编辑好的8个地址中。(地址可以在模块里修改 范围为0xx0~0xFF,共256byte)上电时rst_置1后,从eeprom中读取这8个字节的数据。用于配置一些其他功能模块之类。可以根据使用情景自行修改。可以自己加ila看一下相关的时序控制。 TOP.v是顶层模块,外接线路只有rst复位,sys_clk系统时钟,I2C_SDA 数据线iic的,I2C_SCL 时钟线iic的。自己生成工程的时候记得添加vio作为控制输入看一下。 祝开发顺利~稍后会简单整理一下开发心得,调试过程中的注意事项。
2024-02-23 21:36:19 6KB 编程语言 fpga开发
ACR122U工具合集包 M1/UID/CUID/FUID/UFUID/RFID读写格式化 含CUID卡写错导致无法写入SAK修复  非全加密密钥解码 全加密密钥解码 命令读写功能
2024-02-23 21:22:29 11.07MB
注册表操作类V1.1 可支持X86与X64读写的注册表模块源码 得力科技
2024-02-02 20:14:39 25KB 易语言模块源码
To write the new Voltage Divider value can be programmed as follows: - SubclassID for “Voltage Divider” is 104 or 0x68 hex, and offset is 14 - Write 0x00 using BlockDataControl() command (0x61) to enable block data flash control. (wr 0x61 0x00) - Write 0x68 (Calibration Subclass) using the DataFlashClass() command (0x3E) to access the Registers subclass. (wr 0x3E 0x68) - Write the block offset location using DataFlashBlock() command (0x3F). To access data located at offset 0 to 31, use offset = 0x00. For example, Voltage Divider (offset = 14) is in the first block so use (wr 0x3F 0x00). - To read the data of a specific offset, use address 0x40 + mod(offset, 32). So to read the old Voltage divider (rd 0x4E old_Voltage Divider_MSB) (rd 0x4F old_Voltage Divider_LSB) - To write the data of a specific offset, use address 0x40 + mod(offset, 32). So to write the new Voltage divider (rd 0x4E new_Voltage Divider_MSB) (rd 0x4F new_Voltage Divider_LSB) - The data is actually transferred to the data flash when the correct checksum for the whole block (0x40 to 0x5F) is written to BlockDataChecksum() (0x60). (wr 0x60 NEW_checksum) The checksum is (255-x) where x is the 8-bit summation of the BlockData() (0x40 to 0x5F) on a byte-by-byte basis. A quick way to calculate the new checksum is to make use of the old checksum: (a) temp = mod (255 – OLD_checksum – old_Voltage Divider_MSB - old_Voltage Divider_LSB), 256)(b) NEW_checksum = 255 – mod (temp + new_Voltage Divider_MSB + new_Voltage Divider_LSB, 256) Step 3. Update any individual flash locations, such as serial number, lot code, and date: In a similar manner to the Voltage divider, any pack specific data such as serial number, lot code and date can be changed during the production process.
2024-01-31 22:35:17 185KB BQ78350
2024-01-25 04:23:00 1.15MB 美萍写狗程序
内容概要:用于数据分析,把常见的csv,excel,json,sql等数据表,读写到pandas,用于大数据分析。 适用人群:利用python进行数据分析的初学者,pandas基础学习爱好者,股票财经数据分析 场景类型:学习读取数据表,转换数据类型,python程序样例,读取数据后可用于统计分析,机器学习,AI分析,
2024-01-18 14:41:38 1KB python 数据分析 pandas 统计分析