2022-02-16 14:49:26 23.66MB 美国大学生数学建模竞赛 数学建模
2019年美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM)C题特等奖论文一篇,无水印。 2019 MCM Problem C: The Opioid Crisis 1900577.pdf
2022-02-16 14:49:08 957KB 2019美赛MCM C题特等奖论文
summary: In this paper, we establish a regression model based on the passing network to evaluate the influence of team structure strategy and opponents’ counter-strategy on the match results. Fortask1,wefirstlistsomeHuskiesmatchstatisticsforthisseasonandanalyzetheteamin brief. Secondly, we construct a passingnetwork based on the number of passes and visualizes the passing network diagram of three games under three different coaches. We use these three diagrams to describe and compare the changes in Huskies’ strategies. After that, we identify network patterns of dyadic and triadic configurations and count 15 kinds of these two configurations in the above three matches, reflecting the structural indicators of the passing network. We also explore time scale and micro scale by giving the change of the team’s centroid over time in the first match and the Huskies’ 4 positions heat map over the season. For task 2, we construct the regression model not only introducing the basic data representing Huskies’ and opponents’ ability, but also extracting six independent variables from the indicators of the passing network into the model. Considering opponents’ counter-strategies, we also introduce the product interaction term between opponents’ data and network structure indicators. Through the training of regression model, we can judge whether the independent variables introduced have influence, what kind of influence and how much influence the independent variables introduced have on the result of the match. For task 3, by bringing in data for training, the model leaves 10 variables including interactionterms. Inordertoverifytheaccuracyofthemodel,weuseLeaveOneOutcrossvalidation, andthepredictedaccuracyoftheraceresultreached71.05%. Then,basedonthetrainedmodel, we point out the effective structural strategies Huskies currently have, such as the strong connection between the core players. Meanwhile, we also give specific advice for Huskies team to improve team success, such as the emphasis on triadic configurations among players. Fortask4,weextendthemodelappliedtohuskiestoallteamworkscenariosandintroduce the IPOI model. The IPOI model conducts multi-level induction of influencing factors and selection of assessment indicators from the four aspects of team input, process, output and reinput, taking into account team construction, operation, management, feedback and other aspects. WeconsiderthattheexistingHuskiemodelisprogresspartofIPOImodel,andweadd the evaluation system of input, output and reinput part, taking the university scientific research team modeling as an example. Insummary,ourmodelispracticalandreliableforhandlingnetwork-basedteamworkproblems in society. Keywords: football strategy, network science, regression analysis, IPOI model.
2022-02-15 16:04:06 56.15MB 美国大学生数学建模竞赛 数学建模
2019年美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM)A题特等奖论文 3篇,无水印。 1902727.pdf 1910246.pdf 1917933.pdf
2022-02-15 13:03:41 7.62MB 2019美赛MCM A题特等奖论文 2019MCM A
2018年数学建模美赛O奖论文 A题5篇 B题5篇 c题五篇 D题6篇 E题6篇 F题4篇 111111111111111111111111111111111
2022-02-14 19:58:32 40.59MB 美国大学生数学建模竞赛
2017美赛数学建模O奖论文各4—6篇pdf A题 B题 c题 D题 E题 F题
2022-02-13 21:32:55 104.32MB 数学建模 美赛 O奖论文
美赛2018年评委点评的中文翻译版和英文原版两个pd文件,个人认为参考价值大于优秀论文。 例: This problem required teams to develop several components—current profile models, historical profile evolution and comparisons across states,determination of a “best” state, and energy forecast models—to suggest policy recommendations. Overall, judges valued well-written papers that carefully followed the contest directions. They highly valued papers that presented a cohesive narrative, where each step of the modeling and analysis process clearly built upon previous modeling/analysis steps. 中文翻译 这个问题要求团队开发几个组件,包括当前的概要模型,历史概要的演变和跨州的比较,确定“最佳”状态以及能源预测模型,以提出政策建议。 总体而言,评委们对精心撰写并遵循比赛指导的论文给予了高度评价。 他们高度评价发表了凝聚力叙事的论文,其中建模和分析过程的每个步骤都清楚地建立在先前的建模/分析步骤之上。
2022-02-11 14:41:43 666KB 美国大学生数学建模竞赛
2019年美国大学生数学建模竞赛(ICM)E 题获奖论文