基础知识部分介绍很详细,几乎无死角,内容跟得上时代,但正因为这样,有些地方实在难以理解; 各章节间耦合性较低,知识没有问题
2021-09-18 14:37:37 20.13MB java进阶
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Intel开发者手册 第二卷 指令集手册 附录 A【中文翻译】
基于FPGA的电梯控制器Verilog资料合集,包含源码工程、仿真工程、视频教程、原理图PCB图,是FPGA经典案例系列博客的其中资源之一,系列博客地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_33486907/article/details/118653742 欢迎浏览。 由于资源过大超过CSDN 1000M的限制,所以此资源为压缩卷第二卷,第一卷地址为: 两卷要放在同一个文件夹下才能解压成功。
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资源来自http://b-ok.org/,本人对相关版权等问题不了解,可联系删除 The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms (3rd Edition) Donald E. Knuth Volume 2 of Donald Knuth's classic series The Art of Computer Programming covers seminumerical algorithms, with topics ranging from random number generators to floating point operations and other optimized arithmetic algorithms. Truly comprehensive and meticulously written, this book (and series) is that rarest of all creatures--a work of authoritative scholarship in classical computer science, but one that can be read and used profitably by virtually all working programmers. The book begins with fundamental questions regarding random numbers and how to use algorithms to generate them. Subsequent chapters demonstrate efficient computation of single-precision and double-precision arithmetic calculations and modular arithmetic. The text then presents prime factorization (which can be used in cryptography, for instance) and algorithms for calculating fractions. This volume ends with algorithms for polynomial arithmetic and manipulation of power-series topics, which will benefit those with some knowledge of calculus. Throughout this beautifully presented edition, Knuth incorporates hundreds of useful exercises for trying out the algorithms. These range from simple problems to larger research project topics. (The book provides answers, where appropriate, at the end of the book.) The result is a text that's suitable for college or graduate-level computer science courses or individual study by programmers. Volume 2 is an indispensable part of any working programmer's library.
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重磅推出,TCP/IP路由技术(第二卷)(全新翻译版),真正高清带完整书签版,网络技术人员的福音。 本书在《tcp/ip路由技术(第一卷)》的基础上,深入系统地阐述了tcp/ip相关高级路由技术,包括bgp、多播、ipv6以及网络管理等内容。为便于读者深入掌握各章所学知识,本书提供了大量的案例分析材料,内容涵盖协议配置、故障检测与排除等方方面面。并且,在各章结束时都提供了大量的复习题和练习题,以加强读者对所学知识的记忆与理解。 本书除了面向众多备考的准ccie以及需要通过再认证的ccie之外,还非常适合从事大型ip网络规划、设计和实施工作的工程技术人员及网络管理员参考。
2021-08-25 09:33:51 67.57MB 路由技术 第二卷 高清
随机过程论, 第二卷,苏 基赫曼,高清扫描版
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柯朗 微积分与数学分析引论-第二卷-英文版-Springer-高清文字版PDF-Vol_2.pdf
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