State Machine Replication is More Expensive than Consensus.pdf Consensus and State Machine Replication (SMR) are generally considered to be equivalent problems. In certain system models, indeed, the two problems are computationally equivalent: any solution to the former problem leads to a solution to the latter, and vice versa. In this paper, we study the relation between consensus and SMR from a complexity perspective.
2022-07-10 21:03:30 1.09MB 数据库 分布式一致性协议 状态机
Towards Low Latency State Machine Replication for Uncivil Wide-area Networks.pdf We consider the problem of building state machines in a multi-site environment in which there is lack of trust between sites, but not within a site. This system model recognizes the fact that if a server is attacked, then there are larger issues at play than simply masking the failure of the server. We describe the design principles of a low-latency Byzantine state machine protocol, called RAM
2022-07-10 21:03:29 107KB 数据库 状态机
管理订单状态,该上状态机吗?轻量级状态机COLA StateMachine保姆级入门教程.doc
2022-07-10 09:09:27 1003KB 技术资料
2022-07-08 18:07:04 6.49MB 技术资料
DSMA - The Database State Machine Approach
2022-07-08 11:06:25 435KB 数据库 状态机
状态机 概述 状态机三要素 状态(state):根据业务抽象出的阶段状态 事件(event):触发状态过渡或满足指定要求的条件 动作(action):符合条件进行状态过渡执行相应的处理 框架 squirrel-foundation 项目结构 Main:启动类,实现状态机的流程控制及状态事件动作的定义 MyCondtion:自定义条件过滤器 MyEvent:自定义事件枚举列表 MyState:自定义状态枚举列表 MyStateMachine:状态机,根据需求实现AbstractStateMachine|StateMachine|AbstractUntypedStateMachine StateListener:自定义监听器,可实现相应方法或使用注解定义监听事件 StateMaker:自定义决策类,用于实现多状态选择 declarative:该包下为声明式注解定义状态机及其实现状态流程控制
2022-06-30 19:49:17 53KB Java
2022-06-18 22:00:19 359KB 计算机 互联网 文档
2022-06-18 22:00:17 504KB 计算机 互联网 文档
嵌入式技术的工程法课件:第三节 基于状态机的Verilog HDL设计方法.ppt
2022-06-17 13:00:44 110KB 计算机 互联网 文档
数字逻辑设计及应用教学课件:7-6 时序同步状态机设计3-JK .ppt
2022-06-16 20:00:29 270KB 计算机 互联网 文档