从理论到试验台,WiFi DCF网络的性能评估
2021-02-25 09:10:19 896KB 研究论文
论文研究-基于RS-ANFIS的雷达抗干扰性能评估方法.pdf,  雷达抗干扰性能评估是雷达系统研制、引进、装备过程中必要的环节. 如何综合评估复杂电磁环境下的雷达抗干扰性能评估已成为研究的重点. 针对现有雷达抗干扰性能评估方法的特点和局限性, 提出了一种基于粗糙集-自适应神经网络模糊推理系统(RS-ANFIS)的性能评估方法. 首先, 针对原始样本数据的不完备性和不确定性, 采用粗糙集理论对原始样本数据进行数据归一化、 离散化、属性约简处理, 并得到覆盖原始样本特征的最小规则集. 其次, 建立了基于ANFIS的Sugeno型性能评估模型, 设计了评估变量的隶属度函数和推理规则, 确定了评估网络各层输入输出关系以及网络学习算法. 最后, 以12组雷达抗干扰性能评估指标为例进行算法模型验证, 表明了方法的可行性和模型的有效性. 实验结果表明, 该方法能够有效改进网络结构, 提高雷达抗干扰性能评估结果的可信度.
2021-01-14 08:51:04 906KB 论文研究
2019-12-21 22:18:08 46KB gnss clk assessment
空间谱估计是阵列信号处理最主要的两个研究方向之一,在过去三十年得到了蓬勃发现,理论日趋成熟。而MUSIC算法又是空间谱估计中最为经典的算法,为许多工程项目所采用。 本文首先对空间谱估计的基本原理进行了详细的论述,并在此基础上利用MUSIC算法实现了基于圆阵的二维测角。 然后,在算法性能评估方面,本文提出了一套评估方法,并对该方法的无偏性进行了验证。利用这套评估方法,分别讨论了在单目标和双目标两种情况下,幅相误差、信噪比、阵面孔径、阵元数、信源位置及采样点数等参数对于测角结果的影响,并重点考察了双目标情况下这些参数对分辨力及分辨精度的影响。 此外,本文还对信号之间的相关性对测角结果的影响程度做了一定的研究。在此基础上,形成了对MUSIC算法的一个比较系统的性能评估
2019-12-21 21:26:51 18.65MB 激光 SLAM
OpenCV在TI 达芬奇以及OMAP平台下的移植与性能评估 In today’s advancing market, the growing performance and decreasing price of embedded processors are opening many doors for developers to design highly sophisticated solutions for different end applications. The complexities of these systems can create bottlenecks for developers in the form of longer development times, more complicated development environments and issues with application stability and quality. Developers can address these problems using sophisticated software packages such as OpenCV, but migrating this software to embedded platforms poses its own set of challenges. This paper will review how to mitigate some of these issues, including C++ implementation, memory constraints, floating-point support and opportunities to maximize performance using vendor-optimized libraries and integrated accelerators or co-processors. Finally, we will introduce a new effort by Texas Instruments (TI) to optimize vision systems by running OpenCV on the C6000™ digital signal processor (DSP) architecture. Benchmarks will show the advantage of using the DSP by comparing the performance of a DSP+ARM® system-on-chip (SoC) processor against an ARM-only device.
2019-12-21 20:59:55 342KB OpenCV Davinci OMAP dsp