在XP上安装华为驱动出了安装本驱动外还要安装Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5,下载地址为:http://www.liqucn.com/rj/13848.shtml。 Microsoft Active Sync(微软同步软件)是Microsoft官方开发的智能手机同步软件,它能地在PC与PPC或智能手机间方便地进行数据同步,ActiveSync不仅可以同步文件,电子邮件及日程等,更有着许多额外的功能如同步AvantGo,SMS等.另外,Windows Mobile设备的用户还可以通过PC来访问互联网。 支持Win2003/XP/2000/Vista。
2021-08-28 13:34:37 7.65MB 华为手机驱动
Version: 2.2.0 (2021-07-22) Keil.STM32F3xx_DFP.2.2.0.pack Updated Pack to STM32Cube_FW_F3 Firmware Package version V1.11.2: Updated HAL to version V1.5.5. External interrupts and events (EXTI) HAL Universal serial bus full-speed device interface (USB) LL Added global define USE_HAL_DRIVER and USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER to the component ::Device:STM32Cube Framework:STM32CubeMX. Added global define USE_HAL_DRIVER and USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER to the component ::Device:STM32Cube HAL:COMMON. STM32CubeMX integration: MX_Device_h.ftl: Updated parsing of USART virtual mode. Updated generation of macros: Added handling for '(' and ')' symbols. FrameworkCubeMX_gpdsc.ftl: Added support for Timebase Source TIMx. Board Examples: Terminating app_main thread with osThreadExit() to avoid endless loop. Updated RTX configuration (CMSIS 5.8.0). Updated template based files (MDK-Middleware 7.13.0). Configured MDK projects to use Arm Compiler 6. Changed Assembler option to armclang (Auto Select). Updated all USB Host/Device examples with user templates from MDK-Middleware v7.11.1. FileSystem, USB: Changed variant selection to "MDK-Plus". Updated Graphics examples to use Segger emWin version 5.50. CMSIS Driver: CAN: Corrected SetBitrate function to leave Silent and Loopback mode as they were. Corrected SetMode function to clear Silent and Loopback mode when NORMAL mode is activated. Corrected MessageSend function to only access required data for sending. Corrected abort message send functionality. I2C: Corrected pin configuration: MX_I2Cx_SMBA_GPIO_PuPdOD replaced with MX_I2Cx_yyy_GPIO_PuPdOD. Corrected usage function name USB Device: Corrected transmitted count for non-control IN endpoints. Updated USBD_EndpointConfigure function to check that maximum packet size requested fits into configured FIFO (compile time configured). Removed include of stm32f3xx_hal_pcd.h header.
Version: 1.1.0 (2021-07-23) Keil.STM32U5xx_DFP.1.1.0.pack Updated STM32Cube Firmware U5 library to version V1.0.0 First official release of HAL and LL drivers for STM32U575xx/STM32U585xx devices
2021-08-09 15:31:40 10KB LIS331DLH
stm32 dfu 官方驱动和源码 资源整理方便没有stm账号和比较懒的人下载,官方开发环境方便二次开发。源码比较友好。
2021-07-22 16:59:24 17.74MB STM32 DFU 驱动
The aim of this project is to show an example of the endpoint LoRaWAN stack implementation. This project has 3 active branches in place. The master branch which provides the latest released source code (v4.4.2), the develop branch which provides the current source code development status to be released next (Milestone 4.4.3) and the feature/5.0.0 branch which provides a preview of the current source code development status for LoRaWAN Specification v1.1 specification.(Milestone 5.0.0) The master branch implementation is based on LoRaWAN Specification v1.0.3 and LoRaWAN Regional Parameters v1.0.3revA specifications. ClassA, ClassB and ClassC end-device classes are fully implemented. The develop branch implementation is based on LoRaWAN Specification v1.0.3 and LoRaWAN Regional Parameters v1.0.3revA specifications. ClassA, ClassB and ClassC end-device classes are fully implemented. The feature/5.0.0 branch implementation is based on LoRaWAN Specification v1.1 and LoRaWAN Regional Parameters v1.1rB specifications. ClassA, ClassB and ClassC end-device classes are fully implemented. This project also provides SX1272/73, SX1276/77/78/79 and SX1261/2 radio drivers. For each currently supported platform example applications are provided. LoRaMac/classA: ClassA end-device example application. LoRaMac/classB: ClassB end-device example application. LoRaMac/classC: ClassC end-device example application. LoRaMac/fuota-test-01: FUOTA test scenario 01 end-device example application. (Based on provided application common packages) LoRaMac/periodic-uplink-lpp: ClassA/B/C end-device example application. Periodically uplinks a frame using the Cayenne LPP protocol. (Based on provided application common packages) ping-pong: Point to point RF link example application. rx-sensi: Example application useful to measure the radio sensitivity level using an RF generator. tx-cw: Example application to show how to generate an RF Continuous Wave transmission. Note: Each LoRaWAN app
2021-07-08 10:53:35 6.31MB 官方驱动 SX1268 SX1278
1、MPC57xx系列MCU-------C55 Flash官方驱动模块详解及利用S32 Design Studio编译器制作的C55驱动工程模板; 2、利用S32编译器搭建的C55 Flash SSD驱动程序模板,打开可直接使用
2021-07-05 20:08:06 2.48MB MPC57XX c55_jdp_ssd.exe C55 Flash
对于 ST-Link,我们需要安装 ST-Link 驱动。首先,大家需要下载我们的 ST-Link 资料包,下载地址为: http://openedv.com/posts/list/0/62552.htm 解压资料包,可以看到,在资料包里面,我们提供了 ST-Link 驱动包: ST-Link 官方驱动.zip 首先,大家解压资料包:
2021-07-03 14:22:31 4.98MB ST-LINK STLINK stm32调试器 调试器
2021-07-02 13:54:50 10.16MB LORA驱动
ST-Link v2官方驱动,win7、8、10可用,win10亲测,解压打开对应的exe文件即可。。。。
2021-06-28 16:12:46 5MB ST-Link v2 ST-Link/v2 stm32驱动