手势动作识别 微调预训练的CNN模型(AlexNet,VGG,ResNet),然后微调LSTM。 该网络应用于手势控制无人机。 训练: 下载直升机编组数据集: : usp 将数据集放在/data文件夹下 运行培训代码并指定数据文件夹的路径 python basic_lstm.py ../data 测试: 使用具有指定型号的网络摄像头运行在线测试代码: cd testing python lstm_test.py ../weights/model_best_865.pth.tar 依存关系: pyTorch-0.3.xx Opencv的3.3.1 PIL-5.0.0 Numpy-1.13.1
2021-10-06 15:47:51 35.82MB Python
关于 基于Kinect骨架信息的人体动作识别的论文
2021-10-06 15:41:15 14.09MB Kinect 骨架信息 人体动作
3-D convolutional neural networks (3-D-convNets) have been very recently proposed for action recognition in videos, and promising results are achieved. However, existing 3- D-convNets has two “artificial” requirements that may reduce the quality of video analysis: 1) It requires a fixed-sized (e.g., 112×112) input video; and 2)most of the 3-D-convNets require a fixed-length input (i.e., video shots with fixed number of frames). To tackle these issues, we propose an end-to-end pipeline named Two-stream 3-D-convNet Fusion, which can recognize human actions in videos of arbitrary size and length using multiple features. Specifically, we decompose a video into spatial and temporal shots. By taking a sequence of shots as input, each stream is implemented using a spatial temporal pyramid pooling (STPP) convNet with a long short-term memory (LSTM) or CNN-E model, softmax scores of which are combined by a late fusion.We devise the STPP convNet to extract equal-dimensional descriptions for each variable-size shot, andwe adopt theLSTM/CNN-Emodel to learn a global description for the input video using these time-varying descriptions. With these advantages, our method should improve all 3-D CNN-based video analysis methods. We empirically evaluate our method for action recognition in videos and the experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods (both 2-D and 3-D based) on three standard benchmark datasets (UCF101, HMDB51 and ACT datasets).
2021-09-25 11:29:08 983KB Action recog 3D convoluti
Keras中的两流CNN工具 在的基于骨架的动作识别中,提出了两流CNN,用于基于骨架的动作识别。 它将骨架序列映射到图像(坐标x,y,z到图像R,G,B)。 他们专门设计了骨架变压器模块,以自动重新排列和选择重要的骨架关节。 要求 Python3 凯拉斯 h5py matplotlib 麻木 网络架构 该网络主要由Skeleton Transformer , ConvNet , Feature Fusion和Classification四个模块组成。 两个流的输入分别是原始数据(x,y,z)和帧差。 如下图所示: 用法 function / data_generator.py :生成两个流的输入numpy数组 layer / transformer :Keras中的Skeleton Transformer工具层 网络/ :褶皱有四只苍蝇,具有不同的特征融合方式 结果 模型 准确度(
2021-09-25 10:54:30 115KB keras action-recognition skeleton-data Python
为视频中的动作识别建立一个简单的模型 只是为了展示如何在Keras中使用Conv3d。 在视频动作识别中使用KTH数据集。 如何建立更好的模型和调整参数取决于您。
2021-09-20 10:07:34 44.7MB Python
毕业设计_ZHUKE 2016毕业设计,基于SVM分类器的动作识别系统
2021-09-16 17:31:24 75.77MB 系统开源