2022-02-24 20:47:51 30.23MB optical material manu
2022-02-21 22:51:35 15.62MB OPTICAL ELECTRONICS Amnon Yariv
OpenCV是一个基于Apache2.0许可(开源)发行的跨平台计算机视觉和机器学习软件库,网络上一些小伙伴写的一些关于Android版OpenCV的博客,大部分都模糊不清,基本就复制粘贴的,有些甚至没有实践就直接贴上去了,这样不仅误导初学的一些小伙伴,而且被其他小伙伴转载或者复制之后,会造成更大的影响和后果。正所谓”徒错错一个,师错错一窝。为人师者慎下笔“,故此,本专栏亲自研究,实践,将调试过程中所遭所遇进行详细讲解,注意事项进行一一列举,希望能够帮助到各位初学OpenCV的小伙伴,避免走弯路,费时费力。 需opencv官网下载OpenCV-android-sdk将其中的sdk覆盖工程中的sdk,由于sdk文件太大,这里就没有上传,是个空目录。
2022-02-21 09:25:15 123.51MB opencv 计算机视觉 android 机器学习
optical fiber telecommunications. 光纤通信的大作!
2022-02-17 16:27:16 76.42MB optical fibe
推荐一本很好的全英文版的光通讯顶尖技术讲解的书籍。作者:Ivan P.Kaminow;Tingye Li;Alan E. Willne
2022-02-17 16:20:51 12.74MB Optical Telecom
The conventional optical flow has a fundamental limitation in handling motion details and image registration. In this paper, we propose a Zernike moments descriptor matching based symmetric optical flow estimation for high-quality image registration and motion estimation, which is an integration strategy of descriptor matching of Zernike moments and symmetric optical flow estimation. Zernike moment has less information redundancy and low sensitivity to n
2022-01-26 16:01:00 1024KB 研究论文
matlab 视差图计算代码光流视差误差计算和可视化 该存储库通过基于真实值评估和可视化流误差和视差误差,为光流算法提供了比较工具。 该代码已在 MATLAB 中实现,它以一种易于使用的方式集成了计算、可视化和编程。 快速开始 为了快速理解基本概念和实现,运行 demo.m,它接受地面实况和估计的流量和视差图作为光流误差和视差误差计算和显示的输入。 光流数据集 请参阅这篇关于“光流算法的评估数据集和基准:综述”的评论论文,以选择优选数据集以用于特定任务和培训的关键实施: 用法 流程演示 flow_read() → 从 PNG 图像加载流场 F flow_visualization → 以 u 和 v 作为函数的输入显示光流的颜色图和可视化(这里 u 和 v 分别指流场的水平和垂直分量)并输出循环编码的 uint8 图像flow_error → 计算流场和地面实况之间的流量误差flow_error_image → 显示流场和地面实况之间的流动误差flow_write → 将流场 F 保存为 png 格式 立体声演示 disp_read() → 从 PNG 图像加载视差图 D stereo
2022-01-15 11:09:34 2.54MB 系统开源
This book takes a pragmatic approach to deploying state-of-the-art optical networking equipment in metro-core and backbone networks. The book is oriented towards practical implementation of optical network design. Algorithms and methodologies related to routing, regeneration, wavelength assignment, sub rate-traffic grooming and protection are presented, with an emphasis on optical-bypass-enabled (or all-optical) networks. The author has emphasized the economics of optical networking, with a full chapter of economic studies that offer guidelines as to when and how optical-bypass technology should be deployed. This new edition contains: new chapter on dynamic optical networking and a new chapter on flexible/elastic optical networks. Expanded coverage of new physical-layer technology (e.g., coherent detection) and its impact on network design and enhanced coverage of ROADM architectures and properties, including colorless, directionless, contentionless and gridless. Covers ‘hot’ topics, such as Software Defined Networking and energy efficiency, algorithmic advancements and techniques, especially in the area of impairment-aware routing and wavelength assignment. Provides more illustrative examples of concepts are provided, using three reference networks (the topology files for the networks are provided on a web site, for further studies by the reader). Also exercises have been added at the end of the chapters to enhance the book’s utility as a course textbook.
2022-01-05 21:09:26 14.03MB photonics ne
The main objective of this book is to present the basic theoretical principles behind modern fringe-pattern analysis as applied to optical metrology. In addition to this, for the experimentalist, we present in a ready-to-use form the most common algorithms for recovering the modulating phase from single or multiple fringe patterns. This book deals with phase demodulation of fringe patterns typically encountered in optical metrology techniques such as optical interferometry, shadow moire, fringe projection, photoelasticity, moir´e interferometry, moir´e deflectometry, holographic interferometry, shearing interferometry, digital holography, speckle interferometry, and corneal topography.
2022-01-01 18:53:57 5.77MB 图像处理
R.E.Fischer, B.Tadic-Galeb, P.R.Yoder; with contributions by R.Galeb et al.
2021-12-17 14:41:34 48.68MB OPTICAL SYSTEM DESIGN