英飞凌AURIX TC3xx系列的架构说明书、技术手册等,资料详细丰富。
2023-04-18 14:12:14 40MB AURIXTC3xx Datasheet
Nuvoton KA49517A Datasheet
2023-04-17 11:14:54 4.17MB BMS
The IT66351 is a HDMI2.0 3 IN to 1 OUT re-timer switch which supports maximum signaling rate up to 6Gbps/channel. It is compliant to the latest HDMI2.0b specification and backward compatible to the HDMI1.4 and DVI specifications. With 6Gbps/channel capability, the IT66351 can support ultra-high resolution content streams, such as 4Kx2K@50/60Hz video formats. With the re-timer structure, the IT66351 can support superior performance for long cable application. All 3 input ports and 1 output port support HDMI2.0 data rate up to 18Gb/s.
2023-04-08 13:38:02 756KB
MX25L6406E 64bit cmos flash
2023-04-08 05:44:19 1.55MB datasheet
2023-04-08 01:13:00 782KB USB D12 DATASHEET
OV9738 720p RGB-Ir product brief New RGB-Ir Image Sensor Br,
2023-04-06 20:22:07 394KB OV9738 RGB-IR datasheet
Marvell Alleycat5P-XL Hardware Datasheet, 介绍AlleyCat5P-XL Family of Multi-Layer 1/2.5/5/10/25/50/100/200/400G Ethernet Switches for Enterprise and Public/Private Cloud Networks
2023-04-05 02:33:33 2.54MB Marvell AlleyCat5P 98DX45XX 100G
AD9220高速数据AD采板驱动板PDF原理图+STM32F103源程序代码+datasheet资料 主控芯片: STM32F103RCT6(或STM32F103RBT6均可) 程序编译平台: keil5.11.1.0 工程文件路径:\AD9220-数采板驱动板-V0.2驱动\USER\VirtualCOMPort.uvprojx int main(void) { int i; char showLcd[30]; MY_NVIC_PriorityGroup_Config(NVIC_PriorityGroup_2); //设置中断分组 delay_init(72); //初始化延时函数 AD9220_IO_Init();//AD9220初始化 delay_ms(300); initial_lcd(); LCD_Show_CEStr(0,0,"AD9220");//黑色 LCD_Show_CEStr(0,2,"Read Test");//黑色 LCD_Refresh_Gram(); while(1) { AD_Data = AD9220ReadDat
2023-04-04 17:27:53 1.24MB it98
highly integrated, low cost, Digital Front End (DFE) IC for 10 to 17 serial cells in battery packs for high cell count and battery powered applications.
2023-03-30 09:21:54 2.9MB BMS AFE