在推荐系统中,在矩阵分解中利用文本信息来减轻数据稀疏性的问题已经做出了许多努力。 最近,一些工作已经探索了神经网络,以对文本项内容进行深入的了解,并通过生成更准确的项潜在模型获得了令人印象深刻的效果。 然而,在矩阵分解中如何有效利用用户和项目的描述文档仍然存在一个未解决的问题。 在本文中,我们提出了使用深度神经网络(DRMF)进行双正则化矩阵分解的方法。 DRMF采用卷积神经网络和门控递归神经网络堆叠的多层神经网络模型,以生成用户和项目内容的独立分布式表示。 然后,表示法用于规范矩阵分解中用户和项的潜在模型的生成。 我们提出了学习DRMF中所有参数的相应算法。 实验结果证明,双向正则化策略显着提高了矩阵分解方法的评分预测准确性和前n个推荐的召回率。 而且,作为DRMF的组成部分,新的神经网络模型比单一卷积神经网络模型更好地工作。
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Systems and enterprises (often referred to as systems-of-systems) that employ multiple advanced technologies and achieve ever-higher levels of complexity have become mainstays of the modern world. Managing the complexity of these systems, especially to create solutions to the needs of system users and other stakeholders within acceptable cost and schedule, is a recurring challenge to the Systems Engineering (SE) community. Spectacular progress in mechanical and electronic devices, materials, sensors, energy generation and control, vehicles and propulsion, communications and networking, computing and software, and many other fields creates both new capabilities and new demands for tools and methods to effectively exploit them. Communities as diverse as the sciences, commercial enterprises, education, government, academia, and the military frequently report that programs aimed at delivering new capabilities based on advanced technology have overrun their budgets and schedules, failed to meet their objectives, or simply overwhelmed the capabilities of system developers and users.
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