CLIP-Q: Deep Network Compression Learning by In-Parallel Pruning-Quantization,CVPR2018 code
2022-06-30 20:06:33 13.12MB CLIP-Q
matlab canny算子边界检测函数代码Penn Robotics:视觉智能和机器学习 我的宾夕法尼亚大学 EdX 课程作业。 剩余的代码将很快上传。 课程在这里是免费的: “在本课程中,这是机器人微硕士课程的一部分,您将了解机器学习如何在支持分类、回归和聚类的数据中提取具有统计意义的模式。然后通过一起学习计算机视觉和机器学习,您将能够建立识别可以从数据中学习并适应新环境的算法。完成本课程后,您将能够为机器人编程视觉功能,例如机器人定位以及使用机器学习的对象识别。本课程中的项目将使用 MATLAB 和OpenCV 并将包括视频稳定、3D 对象识别、对象分类器编码、构建感知器以及使用标准 CNN 框架之一设计卷积神经网络 (CNN) 的真实示例。” 第 1 周(完成) 相机几何 颜色感应 第 2 周(完成) 傅立叶变换 傅立叶变换 图像卷积和边缘检测 一维和二维信号(图像)的卷积算子 边缘检测的 Canny 算法。 第 3 周 图像卷积和边缘检测第 2 部分 图像金字塔 第 4 周 特征检测:过滤器、SIFT、HOG 第 5 周 几何变换 仿射 保护的 兰萨克 第 6 周 光流估计
2022-06-30 13:48:30 24.28MB 系统开源
Seq2Seq模型中的第一个注意力机制 图像描述注意力机制 序列分类的注意力机制 注意力机制A(Q, K, V)的一般形式化 多头注意力 Self-Attention Vs Cross-Attention 注意力机制的多样性 注意力机制
2022-06-30 11:06:30 5.17MB 深度学习
作者:Microsoft Research AI首席科学家 - 邓力 俞栋 This book provides a comprehensive overview of the recent advancement in the field of automatic speech recognition with a focus on deep learning models including deep neural networks and many of their variants. This is the first automatic speech recognition book dedicated to the deep learning approach. In addition to the rigorous mathematical treatment of the subject, the book also presents insights and theoretical foundation of a series of highly successful deep learning models.
2022-06-29 23:49:52 4.78MB deep learnin speech recog
学习deep learning for image super-resolution论文后总结出的ppt
2022-06-29 22:06:12 1.23MB 综述
2022-06-29 21:05:25 142.17MB consep deep learning
2022-06-29 21:05:24 317.29MB monuseg deep learning
2022-06-29 09:13:31 3.84MB GNN
UBC Mark Schmidt讲授 这是Mark Schmidt在UBC教机器学习的各种课程的课程材料的集合,包括100多个讲座的材料,涵盖了大量与机器学习相关的主题。 这是在 UBC 教授的有关机器学习的各种课程的课程资料合集,其中包括来自 100 多场讲座的资料,涵盖了大量与机器学习相关的主题。主题的符号相当一致,这使得更容易看到关系,并且主题应该按顺序进行(难度慢慢增加,概念在第一次出现时就被定义)。
2022-06-29 09:13:30 235.65MB 机器学习
学习Petri Net必备资料 After simulation ends, the global performance indices described in the Scope section are stored by the PN Toolbox and can be visualized by using the Performance menu. Besides these, there are also a number of global indices for which the current values are not defined. The following two tables present the complete lists of global indices associated with the places (displayed by the Place Indices command) and the transitions (displayed by the Transition Indices command), respectively: - for a transition: • Service Sum: total number of firings; • Service Distance: average value of the current index Service Distance; • Service Rate: average frequency of firings (inverse of Service Distance); • Service Time: average value of the current index Service Time; • Utilization: average value of the current index Utilization; - for a place: • Arrival Sum: total number of arrived tokens; • Arrival Distance: average value of the current index Arrival Distance; • Arrival Rate: average frequency of token-arrivals (inverse of Arrival Distance); • Throughput Sum: total number of departed tokens; • Throughput Distance: average value of the current index Throughput Distance; • Throughput Rate: average frequency of token-departures (inverse of Throughput
2022-06-28 10:35:32 1.94MB Petri Net