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2022-03-25 11:52:15 134KB linux安装postgresq
wcdma 的一些基本测试流程以及网络配置 The definition of the Conformance Tests for UE in 3G will be a complex task as the complete test suite covers RF, EMC and Protocol aspects of the UE. Each test requires a Test Environment to be defined in which the UE has to operate to defined standards, constraints and performance. The overall task can be simplified if there are a number of well defined and agreed Common Test Environments where every one can be used for a number of tests. Hence the present documents defines testing conditions that are common to several tests avoiding the need to duplicate the same information for every single test. The present document defines default values for a variety of common areas. Where values are not specified in test cases, the defaults in the present document will apply. If specified, the test case values will take precedence. The present document addresses the FDD mode as well as the TDD mode.
2022-03-24 17:40:56 7.52MB 3GPP 34.108 34108
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2022-03-23 19:15:27 147B VMware vcenter6.0
OCI编程的一个程序示例及代码解释 OCI编程的一个程序示例及代码解释 OCI编程的一个程序示例及代码解释
2022-03-23 14:34:56 72KB OCI VC 6.0
包含《Visual C++ 6.0 程序设计从入门到精通-求是科技 王正军》pdf和与源代码
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2022-03-23 11:15:11 12.34MB VC++6.0从入门到精通
学用Visual C++ 6.0 美 Davis Chapman 骆长乐 写的比较好,比较通俗易懂 适合入门
2022-03-22 14:54:40 32.47MB 学用Visual C++ 6.0