The bestselling AutoCAD reference, with all new bonus video content. Mastering AutoCAD 2016 and AutoCAD LT 2016 is a complete tutorial and reference, helping you design accurately and efficiently while getting the most out of the AutoCAD 2016 software. Concise explanations and focused examples strengthen your understanding of AutoCAD concepts, while step–by–step instruction and hands–on projects help you develop the skills you need for real–world projects. This new edition covers the latest AutoCAD capabilities, and gives you access to videos demonstrating crucial techniques. The companion website provides all of the project files necessary for the tutorials, and features additional video tutorials and other bonus content. You′ll start with the basics of AutoCAD drafting, and gradually build your skills to an advanced level as you learn 3D modeling and imaging. Whether you′re preparing for the Autodesk certification or just want to be an AutoCAD guru, this book provides the comprehensive information you need.,解压密码
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