2020-01-03 11:20:38 446KB linux PCIE 架构 驱动
Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller WIN7/WIN2008 驱动 支持32/64位,WIN2008数据中心版亲测通过
2019-12-29 03:19:28 5.78MB Realtek GBE WIN2008 网卡驱动
xilliix pcie dma 驱动 (基于 xilnx xdma ip核 4.0 的WDF驱动) --- # XDMA Windows Driver This project is Xilinx's sample Windows driver for 'DMA/Bridge Subsystem for PCI Express v4.0' (XDMA) IP. *Please note that this driver and associated software are supplied to give a basic generic reference implementation only. Customers may have specific use-cases and/or requirements for which this driver is not suitable.* ### Dependencies * Target machine running Windows 7 or Windows 10 * Development machine running Windows 7 (or later) * Visual Studio 2015 (or later) installed on development machine * Windows Driver Kit (WDK) version 1703 (or later) installed on development machine ## Directory Structure ``` / |__ build/ - Generated directory containing build output binaries. |__ exe/ - Contains sample client application source code. | |__ simple_dma/ - Sample code for AXI-MM configured XDMA IP. | |__ streaming_dma/ - Sample code for AXI-ST configured XDMA IP. | |__ user_events/ - Sample code for access to user event interrupts. | |__ xdma_info/ - Utility application which prints out the XDMA core ip | | configuration. | |__ xdma_rw/ - Utility for reading/writing to/from xdma device nodes such | | as control, user, bypass, h2c_0, c2h_0 etc. | |__ xdma_test/ - Basic test application which performs H2C/C2H transfers on | all present channels. |__ inc/ - Contains public API header file for XDMA driver. |__ libxdma/ - Static kernel library for XDMA IP. |__ sys/ - Reference driver source code which uses libxdma |__ README.md - This file. |__ XDMA.sln - Visual Studio Solution. ```
2019-12-24 03:22:06 86KB PCIE DRIVER DMA 驱动
Windows 2000XP WDM设备驱动程序开发 第二版 pdf电子书和附属光盘中所有的源代码。个人找了好久,才把书和代码找齐。一起发出来,一次下载就可以开发驱动了。 里面有很多直接可以用的驱动源码,usb和pci驱动需要根据硬件稍作修改就可以用。 在此多谢本书作者!
2019-12-21 22:25:07 38.41MB usb驱动 pci驱动 pcie驱动 WDM
DesignWare Cores PCI Express Controller user guide
2019-12-21 22:24:25 1.54MB pcie dwc pci
2019-12-21 22:21:20 9.15MB pcie fpga
2019-12-21 22:20:55 13.39MB pcie pci 规范 2.0
PEX8619-BA50BIG是PLX公司的第二代PCIe交换器芯片,包括16个端口,每端口最高速率为5GT/s,端口灵活可配置成x1、x2、x4、x8模式,支持硬件和软件配置,支持DMA,NT等特性,支持PCIe 2.0规范,后向兼容PCIe1.0,1.1规范,典型功耗1.99W,BGA324封装,无铅工艺。 尺寸19mmx19mmx1.9mm 工作电压:Vcore=Vserdes=1.0V±5%;Vio=Vpll=2.5V±10%; 温度:-40℃~85℃ 热阻抗:ΘJC=4.78℃/W,ΘJA=16.21℃/W@ 4 layer 主要应用:板内各个高速接口间高速数据交换
2019-12-21 22:20:45 15.72MB PEX8619-BA50 PCIE 2.0 PCIe
2019-12-21 22:15:19 46KB mini pcie
一步一步开始FPGA逻辑设计 - 高速接口之PCIe,完整的pcie开发流程教程
2019-12-21 22:10:57 4.39MB PCIe