The Complete Guide To Angular2
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PLSQL Developer 13 用户指南 (PLSQL Developer 13.0 User's Guide)
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Table of Contents: Chap 1 - Background and WLAN Overview Chap 2 - Synchronization Chap 3 - Modulation and Coding Chap 4 - Antenna Diversity Chap 5 - RF Distortion Analysis for WLAN. Chap 6 - Medium Access Control for Wireless LANs. Chap 7 - Medium Access Control (MAC) for HiperLAN/2 Networks Chap 8 - Rapid Prototyping for WLANs
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The MIFARE4Mobile® Industry Group consists of leading players in the Near Field Communication (NFC) ecosystem including Gemalto, Giesecke & Devrient, NXP Semiconductors, Oberthur Technologies and STMicroelectronics. The group acts as a platform to guide the evolution of MIFARE4Mobile (M4M) technology.
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The BELLHOP Manual and User’s Guide Preliminary Draft.pdf
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A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Second Edition
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关于Xilinx vc709板子的介绍,VC709支持pcie 2.0 x8, 8G DDR x2
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NASA的轨道设计软件GMAT最新版 R2018a的使用说明,对学习轨道设计有重要参考意义,NASA多项探测任务均与GMAT相关
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SERVO GUIDE 调试资料 为了提高伺服系统的执行性能和CNC 进给率控制伺服调整是必要的. 伺服调整由下列项目组成. (伺服系统响应) - 增益和 HRV 滤波器调整 这个调整提高了伺服控制总体的执行性能. 增益调整是最重要的项目. - 前馈调整 调整前馈将路径误差减小为0. 它是高速高精度机床必不可少的功能. (CNC 进给率控制) - 通过加速度调整进给速度控制 - 通过速度差调整进给速度控制 - 通过加加速度调整进给速度控制 以上调整实现高速控制和指令路径的平滑控制
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FANUC NC guide FANUC NC Guide V17.1 模拟仿真系统 (此文件较大请分四部分下载part04见后文章)
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